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leading shoots, which are necessary to attract || last summer, that as much has been discovered

the sap from the roots, and thereby promote the growth of the tree.

Observe the utmost care not to place the tree too deep in the earth. More mischance to a new plantation of trees arises from this source than all the others combined. The best rule is to place the tree in the hole so that the roots may be about the same depth as they were before taken up.

Place all the roots in their natural position as near as may be, but rather horizontally than otherwise, break the earth fine, and scatter it in the hole so that it may fall between every root, that there may be no hollowness.-Thus fill up the hole, and gently tread down the earth with your foot, but not too hard, which is a great fault, especially if the ground be strong and wet.

Newly planted trees should be well staked and defended from cattle; and it is best to keep the land continually in tillage till the trees have nearly attained their full growth. But great care must be taken that the roots be not disturbed by ploughing, nor the bark of the trees wounded. The ground near the tree, which the plough leaves, should be mellowed with a spade for two or three years, before the roots have far extended. Georgia Journal.


under ground as was before above it, and to prove the possibility of clearing the whole of this magnificent building from the rubbish, he has also, out of zeal for the arts, uncovered more of a temple of Augustus, and of a Roman gate, at Pota, and secured them as far as possible, in order to give the friends of antiquity a complete work upon the subject.

The same Mr. Nobile has also drawn from the rubbish and from oblivion, the admirable aqueducts in the territory of Trieste, that are also of Roman origin. He has set people to dig in about thirty places, and has discovered the whole line of the acqueduct from Trieste to the source which supplied it with water.


The buildings, amounting to seven in number, which were appropriated to the use of the ordinance and commissariat departments, were burnt at Quebec, about the latter part of Jan. with several thousand stand of arms, &c.

The Spanish ninety-gun ship San Fernando, was lost in the early part of December near Algiers. She sailed from Port Mahon for Carthagena on the 4th. of that month, in company with the frigate U. States, parted from her the next day, having lost her mizen topmast in a gale. Two lieutenants and sixty men belonging to the American frigate, were on board the Spanish ship, assisting to navigate her. It is supposed no lives were lost

The shock of an earthquake was felt at Madeira, on the 6th Feb. about 20 minutes past 12 o'clock in the morning. It was the most severe ever felt in that island, which moved like a ship in a heavy swell. It lasted six minutes. Several old buildings were thrown down, and two or three churches much injured.

The Legislature of New Jersey has authorized Michael Oately, a citizen of New York, to open a canal through Seabank, called Squam Beach, in the township of Howell, Monmouth county. The object which is to make an inlet from the main ocean into the head waters of Cape May bay, nearly opposite the mouth of Militecunk river. He is also authorized to clear obstructions from this river This outlet with the main ocean, will facilitate the coasting trade on this part of the coast, shorten the pas- On the morning of the 15th of February two sage from New York to some parts of the bay, small shocks of an earthquake were felt at and afford access to a safe harbor in the mouth Weston, Massachusetts. The air was calm at of Militecunk river. The undertaker is au- the time and intensely cold. Many persons thorized to receive a toll from all vessels pass- were awakened from their sleep by the peculiar ing the canal, when completed, as an indemni-noise, or by the motion of their houses. On fication for the expenses laid out in its construction.

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VIENNA, Jan. 15.

the day following, fissures were discovered in the earth several feet deep, extending to a great distance, and branching in various directions. These shocks were noticed at Framingham and Sunbury. At the latter place the ground opened, as at Weston.

An intelligent captain of a vessel of Philadelphia has furnished his friend in that city with the following account of an earthquake experienced on his passage to Gibraltar.

The port of Istria belonging to the govern ment of the Litterale, forming a part of IllyriGibraltar, Feb. 11. um, and since the time of Augustus joined to "On the 2d February, at about 10 minutes Italy, contains numerous monuments of that before midnight, in latitude 36, N. longitude brilliant period of the Roman empire, particu- 23, we experienced a severe shock of an earthlarly in the former flourishing, now decayed quake which lasted about 4 minutes. The town of Pola, and in the neighbourhood of trembling of the vessel was so severe, accomTrieste. The remains of the Roman amphi-panied with a rumbling noise, that it awoke theatre at Pola, have been frequently described, but insufficiently. Marshal Marmont set some workmen to dig round it, which procur. ed some information respecting this monument of antiquity; but it was reserved for Mr. Peter Nobile, architect at Trieste, to proceed so far

every person on board that was asleep; and what is something singular, every animal on board seemed to feel the effect of it. The fowls in the coops, the pigs, and two little birds in cages, were all alarmed. The birds flew from side to side of the cage, apparently in great

distress. The man at the helm thought the vessel was sinking, and said she did not move at all; although she was then going at the rate of nine knots, and quite a rough sea. I saw no difference in the appearance of the water.

A brig arrived here to day, the captain of which says he felt it much more severely. He was loaded with wheat, and staves stowed on it. He declares, that it shook the wheat above, and the staves below, with many other circumstances equally extraordinay. His latitude and longitude were nearly the same as mine, and | the shock felt at the same time. He says, he experienced a shock at 6 o'clock in the morning, which I did not. We were about 100 miles south of the Western Isles."

The captain adds the following note to the foregoing

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China, at a period in particular when most of the princes of Europe, by proclaiming the toles ration of the religion in countries essentially catholic, seem to slacken the ties which united them to the holy see.

His holiness received with the most lively joy, this blessed intelligence.-Farther della Cruce had the honor to be presented to his eminence the cardinal secretary of state along with the four novice Chinese Jesuits, who were conducted to the audience chamber by M. Concellieu, director of the Propaganda.

We are assured that the edicts of the Chinese emperor reached our court through the Portuguese Ambassador.

Twelve Jesuits will be sent to China in the spring. His holiness has addressed a brief felicitation to the emperor of China to thank him. We are even assured that a Bull will be issued to regulate the discipline of the Chinese churches.

For an hour or two before and after the shock, there were thousands of porpoises; but they disappeared in a moment when the shock commenced. When earth from its centre feels the Godhead's power, and trembling at his touch through all its pillars and at every pore; then man, beasts, birds, and fishes find themselves, what indeed they are, mere helpless nothings. But thank God, there is a founda-immaterial difference in the cost, and being tion for man to build upon, which will not be moved, although the earth should be reduced

to chaos."

A large convent for women was consumed by fire in Dec. 1815, in the town of Puerto Ortova, Teneriff. Seven of the nuns fell victims to the fury of the flames. The next night the island was visited by a tremendous fall of rain; the water courses were filled and ran a different way; in consequence of which fourteen persons were drowned in their houses.


Rome, January 18.

MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENT-There has double forcing pump, invented by a Mr. Gray, been exhibited at the city hall, New York, a of Springfield, Otsego county-which, at an

less liable to accident and easier repaired, with the same labor, delivers exactly double the quantity of water obtained by the common sucking pump It is patented, and promises to become uncommonly popular and useful.

To Subscribers.`


date the 16th instant, will be deferred until we The third number of the Register, to bear shall be able to bring up the back numbers, so that our publication may proceed in regular time. It will be entirely filled with the Treas ury Report, a valuable document, containing The congregation of foreign missions labors a history of our national treasury since the awith the greatest zeal to re-establish its rela-doption of the Federal Constitution, which, we tions with various parts of the world. One of have no doubt, has been in the hands of all our the most happy results undoubtedly is the spe-readers; it will, therefore, be more valuable for cial protection which its members have obtain-future reference than for present reading. ed from China and Abyssinia. They write from We shall omit, as uninteresting, Mr Dallas' Pekin, that the emperor, having obtained a re- project for a National Bank. If a law be pasport from the tribunal of worship of the sent- sed to establish one, we shall then give the law ences passed against the Jesuits, wrote at the in full. The proposed Tariff will be omitted bottom of the report, with his red, or indelible also, as it is undergoing many modifications; pencil, "Let the edict of the 11th January, when it passes into a law we shall publish it 1724 cease to be a law of the empire. There is entire. Our pages for the present will be neonly one GoD, and this GoD cannot be offen- cessarily filled with the reports of the commitded with the diversity of names which are giv-tees upon the several subjects recommended for en to him." Any thing written with the red pencil can never be recalled: decrees in other colours may be altered.

According to this imperial decision, the edict of Toleration of the great emperor KangHi of 1672, and that of 1711, have been again transcribed from the tribunal of rites, and transmitted, sealed with the great seal, covered with yellow satin, to Don Gaspaed della Cruce, a Portuguese. It is remarkable that it was a Dominican of this name and of the same nation, who, in 1536, was the first to introduce the christian religion into China.

Nothing can be more agreeable to the court of Rome than to see the christian religion introduced into so extensive an empire as that of


the consideration of Congress, with the official letters of the Secretaries of the several departments of government called for and addressed to those committees. After these papers are disposed of, we shall then endeavour to give more variety and interest to our pages.

The proprietor of the Register begs leave to return his grateful acknowledgement to his patrons for their liberal encouragement, and to those gentlemen particularly, who have interested themselves to give it a circulation. He believes his list of subscribers as respectable as any in the country, and in point of numbers, equal perhaps, any paper at its commencement beretofore established, amounting to nearly TWO THOUSAND.

NO. 5. VOL. I.]






splendid and magnificent monument over his sepulchre, and this marble testimonial of the nation's gratitude and love to this illustrious character, would descend to future ages indissolubly connected with his ashes. This is a proof, and the strongest that can be given, of that respect which is due to Washington; it violates no dying injunction

It produces a sort of chasm in our sympathies, when we hear that Mount Vernon is no His honor judge Washington has, and we longer the abode of WASHINGTON. But we think with great propriety, refused to de- contend, that this removal is not only indeco liver the remains of his illustrious relative rous, but unnecessary. It does not answer the to the legislature of Virginia. He founded professed object which congress have in view: his refusal on the will of GENERAL WASH-It does not testify respect to the illustrious INGTON, which he conceives, as in justice deceased, to disturb the repose of his ashes he ought, to be a law binding upon him.- and to violate his dying injunctions. This ob We extract from the will the passage that ject may be easily obtained in another way. bears upon this point: "the family vaultfthe memory of Washington is so dear, what at Mount Vernon, requiring repairs, and should prevent congress from purchasing being improperly situated besides, I desire Mount Vernon, so that it may remain to futhat a new one of brick, and upon a larger ture ages, the property of the nation. This esscale may be built at the foot of what is com- tate should never be suffered to fall into the monly called the vine-yard inclosure, on the hands of a private individual, who would by ground which is marked out, in which my re- such a purchase become the proprietor of mains, with those of my deceased relatives Washington's body. He should be in death, (now in the old vault,) and such other of my what be always was in public life, the profamily as may choose to be interred there,perty of the nation. Congress might erect a may be deposited. And it is my express desire, that my corpse may be interred in private manner without parade or funeral oration" No words can be more precise than these, and the judge was perfectly correct in acting up to the spirit of these testamentary injunctions. We think he must likewise, to be consistent, refuse to allow the remains of Washington to be transport--it does not rake from the grave his sacred ed to the city, which is honored with his relics-it preserves his tomb from future name. It is true, that the widow of the de- profanation-it unites his country's love parted hero did on a former application with the life, and with the death of the man, made by congress, reluctantly assent to the whose memory she so delights to honor, and removal of these sacred ashes. But this re- rekindles all those consecrated feelings that quisition has not been complied with, and a contemplation of his character inspires→→ has been suffered to slumber for almost six-it is compatible with the purest delicacy, teen years on the journals of congress. Now and resembles that homage which his country we will ask whether it is proper at this dis-paid during his life time to such transcentance of time, to drag these mouldering remains from the peaceful and sacred seclusion of the family vault. All the surviving sympathies and affections, are concentrated round Vernon's mount-it is a spot hallowed and consecrated by every endearing recollection-it is the spot to which the hero retired, when he resigned the command of the revolutionary army, followed by the benedictions of admiring millions-from this tranquil spot he was again summoned to give form, solidity and coherence to the rising republic; and after eight years of unparalleled prosperity, he retired again to this conseerated asylum, to die amidst this his paternal shades, and this is the spot where he is now awaiting the day of resurrection. These are our objections to a removal of the body. VOL. I. E

dant worth. When Washington breathed the vital air, he was twice summoned from the shades of his paternal mansion by the voice of his country-when he retires and dies in the self same spot, he is followed thither, still by his admiring and disconsolate countrymen, whose sorrows are recorded on marble.

Often, and often,have we lamented the want of a central point around which our As merican affections might rally. Amidst such a mass of foreigners who visit this country, and amongst such a mass of those who are disconnected by sectional jealousies, we might almost despair of unanimity. but we hope the time has now arrived, when all parties may unite in homage to Washington; at his tomb let all parties be forgotten-let

So many and so powerful are the motives which urge me to comply with the wishes of the legisla ture; so sincere and so earnest is my solicitude to

us remember that he was not a Virginian, a Carolinian, a Georgian; but that he was indeed and in truth, an American. If his precepts have been outraged on the one hand promote them, that could I oppose to them only my personal feelings and my individual repug by opposition, or on the other, by a too blindnance, to parting with the remains of general devotion to them, now is the time for both Washington and of Mrs. Washington, these feelings would have been subdued, this repugnante parties to retract. At his sepulchre let us would have been conquered, and I would have follow the example set by congress, and bury yielded these bodies to be disposed of at the will in the grave of that resplendent character of Virginia. Painful as the sacrifice must have all our political dissentions.

been, it should have been made.

But, obligations more sacred than any thing which concerns myself-obligations with which I

Letter from the Governor of Virginia to Judge cannot dispense, command me to retain the mortal


RICHMOND, FEB. 21, 1816.

SIR-I perform with infinite satisfaction, the duty assigned to me by the enclosed resolutions of the general assembly,

remains of my venerated uncle, in the family vault where they are deposited. It is his own will, and that will is to me a law which I dare not disobey. He has himself directed that his body should be placed there, and I cannot separate it from those of his near relatives, by which it is surrounded.

I pray you sir, to accompany my profound acTo the unanimous expression of the desire of knowledgments to the legislature of Virginia, with the most respectful assurances that no conthe legislature, I beg leave to add the earnest wishes of the executive, that you will permit the siderations, merely personal, could induce me to remains of her beloved son General Washington, Oppose my wishes to their's; and that it is not withand those of his excellent and amiable wife, to be out the most deepfelt regret, that even under a removed to Richmond to be interred near the cap-high sense of a most sacred duty, I decline to comitol, beneath a monument to be erected at the expense of the people of Virginia.

ply with the request contained in their resolutions. Permit me, sir, to add, that the manner in which the request of the legislature has been communicated by the executive, has in no small degree increased the pain I inflict on myself in not yielding to that request, and so assure you that I am with the highest respect, sir, your most obedient serBUSH. WASHINGTON.

This application is made by the native state of Washington, not in the vain hope of adding lustre to his reputation-his fame cannot be increased by any human struc ure, but as a memorial of a nation's gratitude and affection, and in the expectation, that it will excite a spirit of emulation, which will give her, for ages to come, citizens whose lives will be marked by disinterested devo- His Exc'y. W. C. Nicholas, Gov. of Virginia. tion to the public good, such as upon all occasions distinguished ber illustrious Washington.

All who have any agency in making this request, have foreseen the sacrifice of feeling which you will make, in parting with the remains of relations so revered, but it is hoped you will yield them to the ardent wishes of Virginia.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your humble servant,


City of Washington.



Our Relations with Spain.

To the house of representatives

of the United States:

In compliance with the resolution of the twentyfourth, I transmit two letters from the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Spain, to the secretary of state, with his answer. JAMES MADISON.

January 26th, 1816.

Translation of a letter from the minister of Spain to the secretary of state, dated Washington, December 30 1815.

WASHINGTON, MARCH 18th, 1816 SIR-The diplomatic relations between the STR-It is not in my power to express in terms king, my master, and the United States, being which would do justice to my feelings, the sensi-happily restored, and both governments being disbility with which I received the resolutions of the legislature of Virginia, authorizing the governor to open a correspondence with me, and to request me, "in behalf and in the name of the commonwealth, to permit the remains of her beloved son, the late general George Washington to be removed from the family vault at Mount Vernon, and interred near the capitol of Virginia, beneath a monument, to be erected at the public expence, and to serve as a memorial to future ages of the love of a grateful people."

The nature of the application, the unanimity with which it was made, and the terms, in which it is expressed, all unite to impress me with feelings of gratitude which can never be obliterated.

posed, mutually to strengthen the ties of the most pure and per ect friendship, it is my duty to inform the president of whatever may contribute to so desirable an object; and remove the obstacles which may prevent it. On the important points on which this note must turn, I have written to you under other circumstances less favorable than the present. I will now confine myself to a plain and simple explanation of them.

The first of these points is: that the direct and official relations between Spain and the United States, having been broken off, since the year 1808, the affairs of both nations, as well as their respective frontiers, should now be placed in the same state and situation in which they were at


of the f my


that period; and that, in conformity to this prin. ||ment to deliver up these traitors, as inde ciple, the part of West Florida which the Uni ed enemies of all social order, and disturbers States took possession of during the glorious in- peace of his subjects; but as the object surrection of Spain, and have retained until this sovereign is not to avenge himself of this band. day, should be restored to his catholic majesty. but to shield his subjects against their barbari This just and conciliatory measure, at the same I confine myself to asking of you to obtain of the time thatit will convince the king, my master, of president orders for the prosecution of the princia the purity and sincerity of the sentiments of the pal persons concerned in this sedition, that is to American government, and of their disposition to say: Jose Alvarez de Toledo; Anaya Ortez; the arrange and terminate amicably the several points self-styled minister, Manuel de Herrera; Dr. Rɔof negociation, will not, in the least, impair the|binson, Humbert, majors Piere and Preire and their right which it may believe it has to the whole, or followers, that they may be punishe l' with all the a part of the territory occupied, since it will re-rigor, which the laws prescribe in cases of this main subject, exactly as it was before its occupa-kind. That the troops which they have raised, tion, to a frank and friendly discussion between may be disarmed and dispersed, and that the ne the two governments. cessary measures be taken to prevent, in future, The second point is as simple and obvious as these evil spirits from having an opportunity of the first, and I will treat of it with that confidence, pursuing their designs, and attenp ing to comprowith which I ought to be inspired by the indispu-mit the good intelligence which subsists between table justice of my importunity, the justification of the Americ in government, and the importance of the affair.

our respective governments. The president cannot but have seen with sensibility, as well the total want of effect of his proclamation, of the lenient It is known to you, and is universally public and measures which he had adopted against these crinotorious, that a factious band of insurgents and minals, who boast of recognising no law, subordinaincendiaries continue with impunity, in the prov tion or moral principle, as the protection and supince of Louisiana, and especially in New-Orleans port which they have received and do receive fron and Natchitoches, the uninterrupted system of the authorities at New-Orleans, contrary to his raising and arming troops, to light the flame of express orders. His excellency, as he is encharged revolution in the kingdom of new Spain, and to by this republic with watching over its security rob the pacific inhabitants of the dominions of the || and the observance of its treaties and laws, cannot king my master. The invasion of the internal but consider himself authorized to restrain the provinces, the horrible assassinations committed projects and hostile measures of a set of adventu in San Antonia de Bexar, and the names of therers, who make war against a friendly power from perfidious perpetrators of such unheard of crimes, the territory of this confederation, compromitting have acquired the publicity which great crimes its tranquility and high character, by av iling him always will acquire. All Louisiana has witnessed self of the means which the constitution, the laws hese armaments; the public enlistments (los en- and his prudence offer to him for obliging these gauchse publicos;) the transportation of arms; the persons to abandon their designs, and to manifest junction of the insurgents and their hostile and to his catholic majesty the just indignation with warlike march from the territory of this republic, which the United States view the hostile plans, against the possessions of a friendly and neighbor- and the sedition of that band of incendiaries. I am ing power; neither threats, nor the laws, nor the certain that it cannot be concealed from the dis indignation of well disposed citizens, nor even the tinguished talents of the president and yourself, proclamation of the president of the first of Sep-that the point of which I treat, is not one under the tember last, intended to restrain these highway civil (or municipal) law, in which case my soverrobbers, have been sufficient to stop their nefari-eign must have recourse to the ordinary tribunals; ous plans. On the contrary, they prosecute them but that it is a manifest and flagrant violation of with the greatest ardor, and rancor, more and the most sacred laws which bind together nations more exasperated at seeing the glorious triumphs mutually-perpetrated by the citizens, or residents of the Spanish nation, the adhesion of his subjects of the union, of which the king, my master, gives to an adorned monarch, and the approaching re information, with positive and notorious proofs, to establishment of the relations between our re the government under whose jurisdiction it has spective nations. It is known to me, that they are been executed, that they may give him compe ent How enlisting in New-Orleans, men for other ex-satisfaction, with a knowledge of the act, by causpeditions, both by land and water, to invade againing the delinquents to be punished as guilty of the dominions of his catholic majesty, under the high treason against both governments. direction of ringleaders Jose Alvarez de Toledo, The third and last point is reduced to this: that and Jose Manuel de Herrera, who had just arrived the president will be pleased to give the necessary at that city, with the appointment (as he says) of orders to the collectors of the customs, not to administer to the United States, from the self-styl mit into the ports of the United States, vessels ed Mexican congress, who has delivered to Toledo under the insurrectionary flag of Carthagena, of fifteen hundred commissions in blank, from that the Mexican congress, of Buenos Ayres, or of the body of insurgents, that he may confer them on a other places which have revolted against the aulike number of officers which he is recruiting in thority of the king, my master, nor those coming the territory of this Union. I omit mentioning to from them. That they should not permit them to you other innumerable acts of this kind, which land, or to sell in this country, the shameful proprove the publicity of these armaments, and the ceeds of their piracy, or atrocities, and much less impunity with which they continue. I will con- to equip themselves in these ports, as they do, for fine myself to stating to you, that the most com- he purpose of going to sea, to destroy and to plunmon practice of nations, and the authority of the ler the vessels which they may meet with under best writers on public law, would give a right o the Spanish flag. This tolerance, subversive of the the king my master, to require of this govern-most solemn stipulations in the treaties between

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