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Dr. Lambe on Peculiar Regimen in Cancer, Scrofula, &c. 659

ded as much as possible, from the diet of persons, to whom a strict adherence to regimen is necessary.

Milk-eating and flesh-eating are but branches of a common system; and they must stand or fall together, If there were no demand for the flesh of the animal, the milk would not even be produced. The real question, taken in the widest 'extent, is, whether the agricultural system ought not wholly to supersede the pastoral system, as in countries increa. sing in population it is constantly doing in some degree. Nature herself, that is to say, the productive power of the soil, has confined the possibility of maintaining the domestic animals within such straight limits, that an abundant population can not be supplied, from its own soil, with a daily moderate portion either of flesh or of milk; much less can it feed them upon these substances.


I shall in this place introduce a few words on the question of how far artificial preparation of all our vegetable food is necessary or useful. That many sorts are really improved by cook ery admits of no question; but it may be doubted whether by indiscriminately macerating every thing as we do, we do not often injure the substance we operate upon, instead of improving it. With us, a parent will correct his child for eating a raw turnip, as if it were poisons


But the Russians, from the lowest peasant to the highest nobleman, are eating raw turnips all day long. We may be certain then, that there is no harm in the practice.

But further, there is every reason to believe, particularly from the observations of the navigators in the Pacific Ocean, that those races of men, who admit into their nutriment a large proportion of fruit, and recent vegetable matter, unchanged by culinary art, have a form of body, the largest, of the most perfect proportion, and the greatest beauty; that they have the greatest strength and activity, and probably that they enjoy the best health. The prejudices then entertained against fruit and recent unchanged vegetable matter cannot be founded in any just observations, proving that they are truly insalubrious, and unfit for human nutri ment. Yet it cannot be doubted that matter of this kind excites, in many, great inconvenience and uneasiness. There are those, to whom a raw apple is an object of terror almost as great as a pistol-shot.

But we see children glut themselves, MONTHLY Mag. No. 271.

almost to bursting, with fruits, and suffer
nothing from them but a little temporary
uneasiness from distention. We see, as
I have said, tribes of people principally
supported by them. And from the great
pleasure which children and young per-
sons, whose stomachs are the most heal.
thy, receive from them, it seems probable,
that fruit, and the produce of trees in
general, instead of being unwholesome,
is the sort of matter the most suited to
the organs of man. Such was the opi-
nion of the great naturalist Linnæus.
"This species of food," he says,
that which is most suitable to man: which
is evinced by the series of quadrupeds;
analogy; wild men; apes; the structure
of the mouth, of the stomach, and the



I hope not to be so far misunderstood, as if I blamed all culinary preparation of vegetables. But I think the practice is carried to excess. It appears to be the general opinion that almost all vegetable matter, if not previously submitted to the action of heat, is absolutely indigestible and noxious. But the fact is, that almost all our common garden vegetables may be used without any such prepara tion; and it is highly probable, that in this natural condition, they would be more nutritive, more strengthening, and certainly far more antiscorbutic, than when they have been changed by the fire. On this account it is, that I think it highly advisable, that some portion either of fruit, or of fresh vegetable mate ter should be used daily. Children too should be encouraged in the use of such things, instead of being forbid then, as is the common practice. If the stomach be so much diseased, that nothing of this' kind can be borne, soups made with a large quantity of recent vegetables may be substituted. They seem to be far preferable to vegetables much boiled i the soup and the vegetables may be eaten together, and are very agreeable to the palate.


Man, it is true, is or ought to be guided by reason. But no guide can be more fallacious than the individual reason of the beings, which are, as it were, the elementary particles of human society. Passion, whim, fashion, imitation, or the fleeting sensations of the moment, are incentives to action: above all, custom has erected a despotism over individual will, against the tyranny of which reason protests in vain. How little reason has been consulted in the establishment of the common habits of life, we may judge



from considering, that the habits of modern life are essentially the same as have been transmitted from the rude be ginnings of civilized society. The man ner of living of an European philosopher, absorbed in study and meditation, and of an Indian savage, destitute of reflection and of foresight, are essentially the same. In what does the banquet of an English prince differ from the feast of a chieftain of Otaheite, unless it be in the costliness of the utensils, or the refinements of the cookery? Fish, flesh, and poultry, in each form the favourite materials of the repast, which is finished by the swallowing of potions of an intoxicating liquor. What share reason has had in the institution of these customs, I must leave to their advocates to explain.

MAN'S NATURAL STATE. Man must have been fed previous to the invention of any art, even the simple one of making a bow and arrows. He could not then have lived by prey, since all the animals exce! him in swiftness. There is no antipathy between man and other animals, which indicates that nature bas intended them for acts of mutual hostility. Numerous observations of travellers and voyagers have proved, that in uninhabited islands, or in countries where animals are not disturbed or hunted, they betray no fear of men: the birds will suffer themselves to be taken by the hand; the foxes will approach him like a dog. These are no feeble indications, that nature intended him to live in peace with the other tribes of animals.

Least of all would instinct prompt him to the use of the dead body of an animal for food. The sight of it would rather excite horror, compassion, and aversion. In a warm climate, putrefaction succeeding immediately to dissolution, dead flesh must speedily diffuse an offen⚫ sive odour, and occasion insuperable loathing and disgust.


Living wholly upon vegetables, without culinary preparation, our man of nature could never experience thirst. Even intense heat does not appear to excite thirst, unless it be upon bodies, injured by a depraved and unnatural diet. He would have no call therefore to the use of liquids, further than as they are contained in the juices of the fruits and esculent plants, which he would eat. Drinking would be neediess: it is an action which does not appear suited to the natural organization of mau, after the infant



direct application of its various produc tions to human sustenance, seeins to be the limit of improvement in the arts essential to the support of life. By the exercise of this beneficial art, myriads of human beings are called into life, who could otherwise have never existed. By its introduction a great revolution was commenced in the relations of neighbouring communities. The cultivator being directly interested in the preservation of public tranquillity, and the causes which foster hostility and rancour being removed, nations became disposed to sus pend their animosities, and rather to contribute to the promotion of their mutual welfare, which became to all a common source of prosperity. Internal order became too as necessary as external security. Thus, peace and the empire of law would succeed to strife, violence, and anarchy. It seems no visionary or romantic speculation to conjecture, that, if all mankind confined themselves for their support to the productions supplied by the culture of the earth, war, with its attendant misery and horrors, might cease to be one of the scourges of the human race.

Nor are the effects of agriculture less favourable to private happiness than to public prosperity. Probably there is not one of the real wants of life which may not be supplied directly from the soil; food, clothing, light, heat, the ma terials of houses, and the instruments needful for their construction. By its means, not only is population increased to an indefinite extent, but the happiness of each individual is greatly augmented. It multiplies enjoyments by presenting to the organs an infinite variety of new and agreeable impressions; which are of themselves, to an unvitiated palate, abun dantly sufficient for the gratifications of sense. Indeed, every taste, that is truly exquisite, is afforded by the vegetable kingdom. In a wretched state of perversion must be the digesting organs and palate of the man, who has lost his relish for these pure, simple, and innocent delights. Agriculture disseminates man over the surface of the soil; it diffuses health, prosperity, joy, society, benevo lence; from it spring all the charities of life, and it make a common family of the whole human race. If those, who confine themselves to its precious gifts, cannot, without other precautions, escape diseases, these are at least more mild a their form, and more slow in their progress; longevity is promoted; the real stroke is received with tranquillity, and

The cultivation of the earth, and the death is disarmed of its terrors,



Dr. Lambe on Peculiar Regimen in Cancer, Scrofula, &c. 661


Can a practice be conformable to reason which stifles the best feelings of the human heart? By long habit and familiarity with scenes of blood, we have come to view them without emotion. But look at a young child, who is told that the chicken, which it has fed and played with, is to be killed. Are not the tears it sheds, and the agonies it endures, the voice of nature itself, crying within us, and pleading the cause of humanity? We cannot hear even a fly assailed by a spider without compassion;without wishing to relieve its distress, and to repel its enemy. The coldness of philosophical enquiry may perhaps lead us to doubt, whether the sound it emits, which is no more than a vibration of its wings, is really an index of pain; and whether we ought not to sympathize as much with the hunger of the spider, as with the pain of the fly. The emotion, however, is natural and unavoidable. To suffer from the sufferings of any other sentient beings; and to have the sensibility aroused by the expressions of suffering, is, among civilized men, an essential property of human nature; and, as such, it ought surely to be a law to man; a guide of human conduct.


In the use of animal food, man having deviated from the simple aliment offered him by the hand of Nature, and which is the best suited to his organs of digestion, he has brought upon himself a premature decay, and much intermediate suffering, which is connected with it. To this habit almost all nations, that have emerged from a state of barbarism, have united the use of some spirituous and fermented liquors.

The use of fermented liquors is in some measure a necessary concomitant and appendage to the use of animal food, Animal food in a great number of persons loads the stomach, causes some degree of oppression, fulness, and uneasiness; and, if the measure of it be in excess, some nausea and tendency to sickness. Such persons say, meat is too heavy for their stomach. Fish is still more apt to nauseate. We find that the use of fermented liquors takes off these uneasy feelings. It is thought to assist the diges tion. Probably, its real utility arises from the strong, and, at the same time, agreeable impression it makes on the stomach, which counteracts the uneasiness arising from the solid part of our aliment. Thus the food sits lighter on the stomach, and digestion goes on more comfortably,

Water drinkers are well known to have much keener appetites than the drinkers of beer. This is commonly used as a proof of the wholesomeness of water: but it really shows only the noxious power of beer. Low women, of upprincipled habits, give gin even to their infants, that they may eat less bread. It is clear from these facts, that fermented liquors sap and undermine the very sources of life. All permanent health and strength must be derived from a sound stomach, and perfect digestion of the food.

The species of torpor, or impaired sensibility, which I have attributed to the use of fermented liquors, is not a conse quence of this practice only. Animal food produces it likewise, as is obvious from the improvement of the senses consequent upon relinquishing it, and using vegetable food only. The disuse of fermented liquors, the relinquishment of animal food, and the use of purified water, all increase the appetite, and appear to strengthen the digestion. may conclude then, that fermented liquors, animal food, and impure water, injure the digesting powers. The same observation may be applied to the se creting powers, and the derangement of the other functions of the body.



The objections which are urged against the use of fermented liquors, do not seem applicable to spices. However hos and fiery these are in the mouth, they do not appear to be deleterious. They do not derange the brain, nor stupify the nervous system; they do not even ap pear to heat the body, nor greatly to accelerate the pulse. There cannot therefore be any objection to the moderate use of such substances.


Of vegetable matter I do not know that any great nicety of selection is necessary; the palate will be a sufficient guide, There can be little doubt that vegetables, which are raised in the coun try, where the land is not too highly manured, are preferable to those which are raised in the gardens of great towns, and particularly near the metropolis. But, any evil, which may be supposed to arise from this cause, being for the most part unavoidable, it is nugatory to give directions about it. Of vegetable matter, I consider fruit, and what is unchanged by culinary art, as the most congenial to the human constitution; and, in consequence, advise as much to be taken in this form as is consistent with comfortable feeling. In the sort of vegetable matter employed, there may possibly be material 40 2 differences

differences on the constitution. We vation. Vinous and fermented liquors I

know that animals cannot with impunity deviate very much from the species of food which is most adapted to their natures. But, as on this subject I am without any information, on which I can fully depend, I think it best to leave it to be determined by time and future obser

forbid. The water used, in every article in which water is taken into the stomach, I enjoin to be artificially purified by distillation. This is the Peculiar Regi men, which I believe to be the best adapted to the cure of clironical diseases in general.

NAMES OF OFFICERS KILLED, WOUNDED, AND MISSING, In the late Battles; from the London Gazette.

Officers Killed, Wounded, and Missing, On the 16th of JUNE.


1st guards, ensign lord Hay, aide-de-camp to gen. Maitland; ditto, 2d bat. capt. T. Brown, ens. S. P. Barrington; ditto, 3d bat. capt. E. Grose.

1st foot, capt. W. Buckley, lieuts. J. Armstrong and J. E. O'Neill, ensigns J. G. Kennedy, C. Graham, and A. Robertson.

32d foot, capt. E. Whitty.

33d foot, capt. J. Haigh, lieuts. J. Boyce and A. Gore.

42d foot, lieut.-col. sir R. Macara, lieut. R. Gordon, ens. W. Gerrard.

44th, 2d bat. lieut. W. Tomkins, ens. P. Cooke.

69th, 2d bat. lieut, E. Whitwick. 79th, 1st bat. adj. J. Kynock. 92d foot, capt. W. Little, lieut. J. Chisholm, ensigns A. Becher and M. Macpherson, 1st lieut. W. Lister.


General staff, capt. H. G. Macleod. 35th foot, dep.-ass.-q.-m.-gen. capt. Jessop. 44th, ass.-q.m.-gen. severely; major C. Smyth, 95th, brig. maj. sev. since dead; capt. Langton, act. aide-de-camp to sir T. Picton, slightly; lieut. W. Havelock, 43d, aide.decamp to maj.-gen. Alten, stly. lieut. W. de Goebu, sev. since dead.

Royal artil. k. g. 1. lieut. H. Hartmann, sev. 1st guards, 2d bat. col. H. Askew, sev. capt. Simpson, sev. ensigns G. Fludyer and T. E. Croft, sev.

1st guards, 3d bat. col. hon. W. Stewart, sev. lieut.-col. hon. G. Townsend, sev. lieut.col. W. Miller, sev. since dead; captains R. Adair and T. Streatfield, sev. ensign W. Barton, sev.

Royal, Scots, 3d bat. maj. L. Arquimbeau, stly. maj. H. Massey, stly. R. Dudgeon, sev. licuts. W. Rea, N. Ingram, and W. Clarke, sev. lieuts. H. Scott, Symes, G, Stewart, and Alstone, stly. and J. Mann, sev. adj. A. Cameron, sev.

28th foot, capt. W. Irving (M) and J. Bowles, sev. lieut. J. Coen, stly.

30th, 2d bat. lieut.-col. A. Hamilton, sev. lieut. P. Lockwood, sev.

32d foot, capts. H. Toole and Waller, stly. capts. Boyce, sev. since dead; T. Cassan and Growe, sev, lieuts. W. Brookes, W. Meigen, H. Lawrence, and H. Butterworth, stly. G. Barr, J. Boase, J. Robinson, J. Fitzgerald, H. Quill, and E. Stevens, sev. T. Horan, stly.

ensigns H. Metcalfe, J. Birtwhistle, stly. C. Dallas, A. Stewart, sev. adj. Davis, stly.

33d foot, maj. E. Parkinson, stly. capt. W. M'Intyre, stly. lieuts. J. Markland, G. Ogle, J. Forlong, sev. ensigns Alderson, sey. right arm amputated; J. Howard, stly.

42d foot, lieut.-col. Dick, sev. capts. Monzies, Davison, Macdonald, Macintosh, and Boyle, sev. lieuts. Chisholm, Mackenzie, Frazer, stly. D. Stewart, Malcolm, Dunbar, sev, ensigns W. Fraser, and A. L. Fraser, stly. adj Young, stly.

44th foot, 2d bat. lient.-col. M. Hamerton, stly. capts. Brugh, D. Power, W. Burney, M. Fane, sev. licuts. Russel, Grier, B. Strong, M. Hern, sev. A. Campbell, J. Burke, stly. ensigns J. Christie, Whitney, Webster, Wil

son, sev.

69th foot, 2d bat. maj. Linsey, sev. lients. Pigot, Stewart, Bustoed, sev.

73d foot, 2d bat. capt. Lloyd, sev. lieut. Acres, sev. since dead; ensign Deacon, sev. Heselridge, stly.

79th foot, 1st bat. lieut.-col. N. Douglas, sev. majors Brown, Cameron, sev. captains Mylne, Marshal, Fraser, Bruce, sev. Sinclair, sev. since dead; N. Campbell, stly. lieuts. Brown, Maddock, Leaper, Fraser, Riach, sev. D. M'Phee, stly. ens. Robertson, sev.

928 foot, lieut. col. Cameron, sev. since dead; maj. Mitchell, sev. captains Holmes, Campbell, Grant, sey. lieuts. Hobbs, M'Intosh, M'Donell, Logan, M'Kinlay, Markie,. M'Pherson, Ross, sev. Winchester, K. Ross, M'Innes, stly. ensigns Bramwell (right leg. amputated), M'Donald, Hewett, sev. Logan, stly. assist.-surgeon Stewart, stly.

95th foot, 1st bat. first lieuts. Gardiner, Fitzmorris, (second) Shenley, sev. first lieut. Felix, stly.

79th 1st bat. vol. Cameron, sev.

[blocks in formation]


5t ditto, capt. Wurmb, adj. Schuck. 8th ditto, capts. Voigt and Westernhagen, lieut. Mahrenholz.


General staff, his royal highness the prince of Orange, sev. lieut.-gen. earl of Uxbridge, sev. (right leg amputated); lieut.-gen. sir C. Allen, sev. maj.-gen. G. Cooke, sev. (left arm amputated); maj.-gens. sir E. Barnes, F. Adam, sir C. Halkett, and sir W. Doernberg, sev. sir J. Kempt and sir D. Pack, stly. col. C. Duplat, sev. (since dead); col. sir J. Elley, royal horse guards (blue), sev.

Permanent staff, col, sir W. Delancey, dep. q.m.-gen. sev. (since dead); lieut.-col. sir H. Bradford, 1st guards, q.-mast.-gen. sev. lieut.-col. hon. A. Abercrombie, colds. guards, q.-mast.-gen. stly.

Unattached, lieut.-col. Waters, asst.-adj.gen. stly. lieut.-col. sir H. Berkeley, 35th foot, asst.-adj.-gen. sev. lieut.-col. sir A. Gordon, 3d guards, aide-de-camp to the duke of

Killed and Wounded at Waterloo.

Officers Killed, Wounded, and Missing,

On the 18th of JUNE.


General staff, lieut.-gen. sir T. Picton; maj.-gen. sir W. W. Ponsonby; col. baron C. Ompteda; lieut.-col. E. Currie, 90th foot; brig. maj. staff, k. g. 1. capt. Weigman; capt. hon. W. Curzon, 69th; capt. Crofton, 54th, brig. major; capt. Reignolds, 2d N. B. drag. brig.-major; capt. Ecles, 95th, brig.-major; Capt. de Cloudt, k. g. l.

1st life guards, maj. Ferrier, capt. M. Lind, 2d life guards, lieut.-col. Fitzgerald. Horse guards (blues), maj. Packe. 1st dragoon guards, maj. Bringhurst, capt. Battersby, adj. Shelver.

1st royal drag. capt. Windsor, lieut. Forster, cornet Sykes, adj. Shipley.

2d or royal N. B. drag. lieut,-col. Hanvilton, capt. Barnard, lieut. Trotter, cornets Westley, Kinchant, and Shuldham.

6th drag adj. Cluskey.

10th hussars, maj. hon. F. Howard, lieut. Wellington, sev. (since dead); lieut..col. sir Gunning.

11th light drag. lieut. Phillips.
12th ditto, lieut. Bertie, cornet Lockhart.
13th ditto, capt. Gubbins.

15th hussars, maj. Griffith, lieut. Sherwood. 16th It. drag. capt. Buchanan, cornet Hay. 1st light drag. k. g. 1. capt. Peters, licuts. Sevetzou and Kuhlmann.

2d ditto, capt. Bulow, cornet Drangmeister. 3d hussars, ditto, capts. Kerssenbrun and Jansen, cornet Deickman, adj. Bruggeurann. Royal artil. majors Ramsay and Cairnes, capts. Beane and Bolton.

Royal artil. k. g. 1. lieut. de Schulzen.
1st guards, 2d bat. lieut.-col. sir F. D'Oyley.
Ditto, 3d bat. lieut.-cols. Stables and C.
Thomas, ens. Pardoe.

Coldstream guards, 2d bat. lieut. Blackman. 3d guards, 24 bat. capts. hon. H. Forbes, Crawford, and Ashton.

1st foot, 3d bat. lieut. Young, ens. Anderson. 23d foot, 1st bat. maj. Hawtin, Joiiffe, and Farmer, lieut. Fensham.

27th foot, 1st bat. capt. Holmes, ens.Ireland. 28th foot, capt. Meacham.

30th foot, 2d bat. maj. Chambers, capt. M'Nabb, lieuts. Beere and E. Prendergast, ensigns J. James and J. Bullen.

$34 foot, lieuts. Buck and Hart.
40th ft. 1st bat. maj. Heyland, capt. Fisher.
528 foot, ensign Nettles.

69th foot, col. Morice, capts. Hobhouse and Blackwood.

71st foot, ensign Todd.

73d foot, capts. Robertson and Kennedy, lieut. Hollis, ensigns Lowe and Page.

79th foot, 1st bat, lieuts. Macpherson and Kennedy.

95th foot, 1st bat. first lieut. Johnstone. 1st light bat. k. g. 1. capts. Holzermann, Marschalk, and Goeben, lieut. Albert. 2d bat. k. g. 1. capts. Boseweil and Schaumann, ensign Robertson.

1st line bat. ditto, capt. Holle. 2d line bat. ditto, capt. Tibe.

Sd ditto, capt. Didel.

At dittu, ensign Cronhelm.

H. Berkeley, 35th foot a-adj.-gen. sev. maj. hon. G. Dawson, asst. q.-m..gen. stly. maj. C, Beckwith, 95th foot, a.-q.-m.-gen. sev. maj. A. Hamilton, 4th West-India reg. aide-decamp to maj.-gen. sir E. Barnes, stly. major l'Estrange, 71st foot, aide-de-camp to maj.gen. sir D. Pack, sev. (since dead); capt. hon. E. S. Erskine, 60th foot, depasst.-anj.-gen. sev. (left arto amputated); capt. E. Fitzge rald, 25th foot, dep.-asst.-q.m.-gen. stly. maj. T. Hunter Blair, 91st foot, brig.-maj. sev. capt. D'Eureur, staff, k. g. 1. sev. capt. T. N. Harris, half-pay, sev. (right arm amputated); capt. H. Baines, royal artil, stly. capt. W. Stothart, 3d guards, sev. (since dead); capt. O. Bridgman, 1st guards, aidede-camp to lord Hill, stly. gapt. H. Dumaresq, 9th foot, aide-de-camp to maj.-gen. Byng, sev. capt. W. Moray, extra aide-de-camp to maj.-gen. Grant, sev. lieut. Mansfield, 15th huss. aide-de-camp to maj.-gen. Grant, stly. lieut. Rook, half-pay, extra aide-de-camp to the prince of Orange, stiy. lieut. H.Hamilton, 46th foot, dep.-asst. adj.-gen. stly. maj. W. Thornhill, 7th huss. aide-de camp to the earl of Uxbridge, sev. capt. T. Wildman, capt. Fraser, 7th bussars, and lieut. H. Seymour, 18th ditto, aide-de-camps to the earl of Uxbridge, stly.

1st life guards, capt. Kelly, cornets Richardson and Côx, sev.

Horse guards (blue), lieut.-col. sir R. Hill, sev. lieut.-col. Clement Hill, stly. lieuts. W. C. Shaw and E. W. Bouverie, stiy.

1st drag. guards, capts. B. Turner and P. Siveny, sev. capi. F. Naylor and lieut. W. Irvine, stly.

1st royal drag. capt. C. E. Radcliffe (maj.) lieut. T. R Kelly, C. Ommany, sev. capt. A. R. Clarke, lieuts. G. Gunning, S. Trafford, S. Wyndowe, S. Goodenough, and C. Blois, stly.

2d royal N. B. drag. major J. B. Clarke, (lieut. col.) capts. J. Poole (maj.) R. Ver. non, F. S. J. Carruthers (since dead), C. Wyndham, sev. maj. J. P.Hankir (lieut.-col.) lieut. J. Mills, stly.


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