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ambas Repúblicas, reconocen tween the two Republicks, shall

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VIII. Las propiedades existentes en el Territorio de las dos Repúblicas Contratantes, que pertenescan á Ciudadanos de ellas, serán inviolables en Paz y en Guerra, y gozarán de las inmunidades y privilegios que conceden las Leyes á los Naturales del Pais donde existan.

IX, Los Ciudadanos de cada una de las Repúblicas Contratantes estarán exentos, en el Territorio de la otra, de todo Servicio Militar obligatorio en los cuerpos de línea o armada, de todo Empréstito, forzoso ó Requisiciones Militares.

X. Los artículos de produccion, cultivo ó fabricacion, de cada una de las Repúblicas Contratantes, que se introduzcan 6 extraigan por los Puertos de mar del Territorio de la otra, no pagarán mas derechos que los que se paguen, ó

be founded on a perfect reciprocity, and on the free admission of the produce of the industry of the Citizens of the said Republicks, into each of their respective Territories.

VII. Consequently, the Citizens of the two Contracting Republicks shall enjoy, in either of the two Territories, the same rights and privileges, which the Laws concede, or may in future concede, to the Natives of the Country in which they reside, and no greater contributions or duties shall be imposed upon, or exacted from them, than those which are imposed upon, and exacted from, the said Natives.

VIII. The property existing in the Territory of either of the Contracting Republicks belonging to the Citizens of the other, shall be inviolable, in Peace, and in War, and shall enjoy the immuni ties and privileges which the Laws concede to that of the Natives of the Country in which it exists.

IX. The Citizens of each of the Contracting Republicks shall be exempt, in the Territory of the other, from all forced Military Service in the Army or Navy, and from all forced Loans or Military Requisitions.

X. Articles of the produce, cultivation or manufacture, of either of the Contracting Republicks, which may be imported into, or exported from, the Sea Ports of the other, shall not pay greater duties than those which are paid,

en adelante se pagaren, por los mismos artículos, siendo de produccion, cultivo ó fabricacion de la Nacion mas favorecida.

XI. Todos los articulos de produccion, cultivo ó fabricacion de las Repúblicas Contratantes, que se introduzcan por tierra, del Territorio de la una al Territorio de la otra, serán libres de todo derecho, y tanto en su tránsito, como en su exportacion á otro Pais, serán considerados para la imposicion de derechos, como si fuesen de produccion, cultivo ó fabricacion del Territorio en que se hallan.

XII. Los artículos que no sean de produccion, cultivo ó fabricacion de alguna de las dos Repúblicas Contratantes, que se introduzcan por tierra del Territorio de la una al Territorio de la otra, pagarán 10 por ciento sobre el avalúo de la Aduana del Pais adonde sean introducidos.

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or may hereafter be paid, on the same articles, being the produce cultivation or manufacture of the most favoured Nation.

XI. Every article of the produce, cultivation or manufacture of the Contracting Republicks, which may be introduced, by land, from the Territory of the one into the Territory of the other, shall be free from all duty, and, as well in its transit, as on its exportation to another Country, shall be considered, in point of duties, as if it were the produce, cultivation or manufacture of the Territory in which it may be.

XII. Articles, which are not of the produce, cultivation or manufacture of either of the Contracting Republicks, and which may be introduced by land from the Territory of the one into the Territory of the other, shall pay 10 per cent. upon the valuation of the Custom House of the Country into which they may be introduced.

XIII. The execution of Articles XI. and XII. shall not alter the restrictions imposed upon those effects, the duties of which are at present farmed, in either of the two Contracting Republicks.

XIV. No prohibition shall be imposed on the importation or exportation of any articles, of the produce, cultivation or manufac ture of, or proceeding from, either of the two Contracting Republicks, which shall not be equally imposed upon those of other Nations.

XV. The Vessels belonging to the Citizens of either of the Contracting Republicks, shall have liberty

zarán la franqueza de llegar segura y libremente á todos aquellos Parages, Puertos y Rios de los dichos Territorios, adonde sea permitido llegar á los Ciudadanos ó Subditos de la Nacion mas favorecida.

XVI. Los artículos de produccion, cultivo ó fabricacion de las Repúblicas Contratantes, que se introduzcan ó extraigan por los puertos de cada una de ellas, pagarán los mismos derechos, y gozarán de unas mismas concesiones y privilegios, siempre que se introduzcan ó extraigan en Buques Nacionales de cualquiera de las dos Repúblicas Contra


XVII. Los Buques de las dos Repúblicas Contratantes, y los Car gamentos que en ellos se introduzcan, ó extraigan, no pagarán mas derechos por razon de tonelada, fanal, puerto, pilotage, salvamento, en caso de averia ó naufrágio, ni otro alguno derecho local, que los que pagan, ó en adelante pagaren, los Buques de la República, en cuyo Territorio se haga la mencionada introduccion ó extraccion.

XVIII. Cada una de las Partes Contratantes estará facultada, para nombrar Cónsules, en proteccion de su Comercio, en el Territorio de la otra; pero antes que ningun Cónsul pueda ejercer sus funciones, deberá, en la forma acostumbrada, ser aprobado y admitido por el Gobierno de la República cerca del cual sea enviado, y cada una de las Partes Contratantes podrá exceptuar de la residencia

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XVII. The Vessels of the two Contracting Republicks, and the Cargoes which may be imported or exported in them, shall pay no higher duties on account of tonnage, light, harbour, pilotage, salvage, in case of damage or shipwreck, or any other local duty, than those which may be paid now, or hereafter, by the Vessels of the Republick, in whose Territory the said importation or exportation shall take place.

XVIII. Each of the Contracting Parties shall be free to name Consuls for the protection of their Commerce in the Territory of the other; but before any Consul can exercise his functions, he must be in due form approved and admitted by the Government of the Republick to which he is sent, and each of the Contracting Parties may except from the residence of Consuls, such parts of its Territory as it

de Cónsules, aquellos puntos de su may think fit.

Territorio que juzgue oportuno.

XIX. Siempre que en el Territorio de alguna de las Repúblicas Contratantes, muera un Ciudadano de la otra, sin haber hecho su última disposicion testamentària, el Cónsul General respectivo, ó en su ausencia el que lo representáre, tendrà derecho á nombrar por si solo curadores, que se encarguen de los bienes del expresado Ciudadano, á beneficio de sus legítimos herederos y acreedores, dando cuenta á las Autoridades respectivas de una y otra República.

XX. El presente Tratado será ratificado en el modo y forma que establecen las Leyes de las respectivas Repúblicas, cangéandose las Ratificaciones en esta Ciudad, dentro de 4 meses, ó antes si fuere posible.

En testimonio de lo cual, los respectivos Plenipotenciarios, lo han firmado y sellado con los Sellos correspondientes.

En Santiago de Chile, el 20 de Noviembre del año de 1826, y 17 de la libertad de ambos Estados.


XIX. Whenever, in the Territory of either of the Contracting Republicks, a Citizen of the other shall die, without having made his last testamentary arrangements, the respective Consul General, or, in his absence, his Representa-tive, shall have the right to name guardians, for the custody of the Property of the deceased, for the benefit of his legitimate Heirs and Creditors, giving account thereof to the proper Authorities of the respective Republick.

XX. The present Treaty shall be ratified, in the manner and form established by Law, in the respective Republicks, and the Ratifications exchanged in this City, within 4 months, or sooner if pos sible.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have sealed it with their respective Seals.

In Santiago de Chili, the 20th of November, of the Year 1826, the 17th of the liberty of both States.



CONVENTION of Commerce between Great Britain and the United States of America.-Signed at London, Au+gust 6th, 1827.

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the United States of America, being desirous of continuing in force the existing Commercial Regulations between the two Countries, which are contained in the Convention concluded between

them on the 3d of July, 1815,* and further renewed by the IVth Article of the Convention of the 20th of October, 1818*, have, for that pur pose, named their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable Charles Grant, a Member of His said Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, a Member of Parliament, and Vice-President of the Committee of Privy Council for Affairs of Trade and Foreign Plantations; and Henry Unwin Addington, Esquire ;

And the President of the United States of America, Albert Gallatin, their Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Britannick Majesty:

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective Full Powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :

ART. I. All the provisions of the Convention concluded between His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and The United States of America, on the 3d of July, 1815, and further continued for the term of 10 Years by the IVth Article of the Convention of the 20th of October, 1818, with the exception therein contained as to St. Helena, are hereby further indefinitely, and without the said exception, extended and continued in force, from the date of the expiration of the said 10 Years, in the same manner as if all the provisions of the said Convention of the 3d of July, 1815, were herein specifically recited.

II. It shall he competent, however, to either of the Contracting Parties, in case either should think fit, at any time after the expiration of the said 10 Years,—that is, after the 20th of October, 1828,—on giving due notice of 12 months to the other Contracting Party, to annul and abrogate this Convention; and it shall, in such case, be accordingly entirely annulled and abrogated, after the expiration of the said term of notice.

III. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged in 9 months, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the Seals of their Arms.

Done at London, the 6th day of August, in the Year of our Lord, 1827.




[The Ratifications of this Convention were exchanged in London, on the 2d of April, 1828.]

* See Commercial Treaties, Vol. 2. .

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