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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by


In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.

All rights reserved.


In preparing this edition of Haydn's Dictionary of Dates for American publication, it has been the desire of the publishers to make as few and as slight alterations in the text of the latest English edition as might be. The American editor has corrected errors in the English work with respect to American matters; has added American dates to all important titles from which they were omitted in the English work; and has inserted such additional titles, relating to American subjects, as were necessary to fit the work for the use of American readers. He has omitted none of the many titles concerning English matters which would be deemed superfluous if the work were American in its origin, nor has it been possible, without swelling the book to undue size, to add an equally full list of American titles; but it is believed that the additions made include all important matters in American history which readers expect to find in such a work. The Dictionary, as it is now offered to the public, is simply the latest English edition of Haydn with American dates added, and errors of statement and date concerning American matters corrected.



WHEN Mr. Joseph Haydn first published this work (in 1841), it was well received, as in some degree supplying a public want; and six editions had been sold, in 1855, when I was earnestly requested by the publisher, Mr. Edward Moxon, to superintend the printing of a new edition. This led, eventually, to my undertaking its thorough renovation, which has been effected by longcontinued labor in revision and in selection from an abundance of valuable materials, and now little of the original work remains; the present edition containing twice as much matter as the sixth, published in 1853, at the same price. The new features include Chronological Tables at the beginning of the volume, innumerable literary, scientific, topographical, and geographical facts inserted in the body of the work, and a Dated Index. To make room for these additions, the size of the page has been enlarged, many articles have been condensed or printed in smaller type, and much useless matter has been expunged. The SixTEENTH EDITION was published in October, 1878.

This SEVENTEENTH EDITION has been thoroughly revised, and includes the general history of the world during the last three years, continued under the heads of the respective countries; the more important events being noticed in separate articles. Especial attention has been given to the affairs of our own country, political, ecclesiastical, social, commercial, and philanthropic. Details are given of our recent wars in Afghanistan and South Africa, and of the troubles in Ireland, Russia, and Turkey. The progress of science, and its applications (such as electricity and the electric light, the telephone, and the discovery of new planets and new metals), have been specially noticed, and many small articles have been inserted relating to topics liable to arise in general conversation. This edition contains forty-eight pages more than the last, published in 1878, and one hundred and forty-six more than that published in 1873.

Above a quarter of a century has elapsed since my first connection with this work, and I still feel encouraged to continue to endeavor to make it, not a mere

Dictionary of Dates, but a dated Cyclopædia, a digested summary of every department of human history, brought down to the eve of publication; acting under the influence of the old maxims, "Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto," and "Nulla dies sine lineâ." The kindness of those friends who have pointed out some of the errors and omissions, which are almost unavoidable in a work of such scope and magnitude, is gratefully acknowledged.

The more important events that have occurred during the printing of this edition are noticed in the Addenda, page 767.



Sept. 1881.

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