PURINTON, D. B. Chautauqua Chapel Talks, 357. Queen of Quelparte, The, 370, 461, 563. Rastus' Dream, Verse, 538. Reading Journey in the Orient, A (See Orient). Record of a Lost Empire in America, The (Illustrated), Religious Effort, Interdenominational, 125. Remsen, Ira (Portrait), 330. SPEARS, JOHN R. Piracies Incident to the French Spiders, Weaving (Illustrated), 533. Stamp Tax Decision, 221. START, EDWIN A. The Rivalry of Nations: World Steel Strike, Aspects of the, 449. Steel Trust and Competition, The, 119. RICHARDSON, RUFUS B. Attica, Boeotia, and Corinth STEWART, JANE A. Women Deans of Women's Col- (Illustrated), 164. Riis, Jacob A., Work of, 226. Roman Cardinals, New, 332. leges (Portraits), 486. Suffrage Legislation, American, 119. Crete and the Cretan Sunday-School Lessons, Uniform, 225. Round Table, C. L. S. C. (Illustrated), 81, 189, 297. on 66 Russia, Disturbances in, 217. Switzerland, How Children Are Educated in (Illus- Swords, Historic (Illustrated), 625. Tariff-Modification and Reduction of the Tariff, 323; Taxation - Reforms in Taxation, 121. Municipal Taxa- Teneriffe, A Day in (Illustrated), 591. 180. Balzac's "Eugénie Grandet," Triple Alliance Threatened, 115. VESTER, ANNA LOUISE. The Ruin and Legend of WELDON, GEORGE B. Interoceanic Waterways (Illus- WALKER, GUY MORRISON. tion of China (Illustrated), 126. WARREN, F. M. George Sand, 286. WARREN, HENRY W. How the Sequoias Grow (Illus- Waterloo, A Black Hussar at, 631. SABIN. EDWIN L. The Dandelion, Verse, 132; Con- Waterways, Interoceanic (Illustrated), 228. victed, Verse, 240. Saint, The Beatification of a, 607. SCOLLARD, CLINTON. Arcady, Verse, 590. School for Out-of-School People, A (Illustrated), School-Room Decoration, 12. Second Probation of Rev. Kid McHugh, The, 522. SHARPLESS, ISAAC. Chautauqua Chapel Talks, 357. 514. Socrates, The Inner Life of, 184. Sonnet and Sonneteer: A Study, 501. Songs of Midsummer, The (Illustrated), 359. Spain Under Our Flag, A Bit of (Illustrated), 578. SPARKS, EDWIN ERLE. The Record of a Lost Empire WELLS, BENJAMIN W. Alexandre Dumas and "The Windigo, The Home of the (Illustrated), 518. Women Deans of Women's Colleges (Portraits), 486. Y. M. C. A., International Jubilee of the (Portraits), CLEM STUDEBAKER, Chautauqua A System of Popular Education Founded by LEWIS MILLER and JOHN H. VINCENT. WILSON M. DAY, CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE BOARD. JOHN H. VINCENT, CHANCELLOB DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUCTION. DIVISION OF HOME READING. THE CHAUTAUQUAN, A Monthly Magazine for Self-Education. FRANK CHAPIN BRAY, Editor. Contents for April, 1901. The Easter Hope.. An Unprecedented Industrial Combination. Phases of Progress in Foreign Trade. Tariff Controversy with Russia. Australian Trade Statistics. Congressional Action Concerning the Philippine and Cuban Questions. The "No Popery Oath." The New Prince-Consort of Holland. Academic Freedom. School-Room Decoration in New York State. Religious Meetings at the Pan-American. With portraits and cartoons. 3-13 . John Finley N. Hudson Moore Edward Van Dyke Robinson 24 Henry Jones Mulford . The New The Rivalry of Nations: World Politics of Today. The United States as a World Power. The New Map of the World. Problems of Asia. A Reading Journey in the Orient. VII. A Cruise in the Ægean. Entered according to Act of Congress, April, 1901, by THE CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLY, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C Yearly Subscription, $2.00. Single Copies, 20c. Entered at Cleveland Post-Office as Second-class Mail Matter. be other night I had an interview with Death. The place, a lonely dell, winter-bound, enswathed in snow. The time, the waning moon, a last star paling to make the hour desolate. A spirit prompted me to hail this heartless being. Said I, in accents strained as if to keep my courage up: "Monster, of thee no one speaks well! Thy tread, though soft and silent, makes firesides tremble, and in thy chilly presence flowers die. No gleeful child is safe from thy all-withering touch; no mother dost thou spare; no lovers weaving life's threads of hope into fancy's colored dream; no saint in humble prayer. ~~ Why not content thyself to prey on beasts of prey? Why devastate our homes? Why kill our little ones? Why break our hearts, then mock our pain with heartless sneers? Death, I wish that thou wert dead!" Then Death replied, and filled me with surprise: "Believe me, sir, thy reasoning's false; thy charge but unwise slander." This voice was even mild and sweet, and through the gloom I saw suggestion of a smile. I knew I stood before transfigured Death Death as unveiled by Jesus Christ. "I am but God's servant, as are you," he said; "the flock must be brought home; I am sent to bring the lost and wandering to their fold; the little ones could not endure the touch of winter's coming cold." "But," I asked, “might not some brighter messenger be sent; an angel with music in his voice and laughter in his eye? is coming would be welcome as to birds the coming spring or opening day. Thou dost alarm us so, and make us die so oft in dying once. If some beloved parent, or one we knew full well, might come=any but thou, so silent, cold, so grim!" "I understand you well,” said Death; “but this grimness thou alone dost see. The living never see me as I am; only the dying see Death; what life is to the living, death is to the dead. I am a mask. The angel thou hast asked for is behind. Sometimes 'tis angel-mother, sometimes angelfather, sometimes parted lover, sometimes the child whose life you watched exhale itself away; only to the living am 1 enemy and monster; to the dying tenderer than the mother who smiles your tears away; gentler than the beat of wings that move in the home of Day. No more revile me; I am thy Saviour in disguise.' And now the stars shone out like lamps of home; like silver gleamed the snow; the lonely dell was all transformed; images filled the translucent space; upon me I felt the touch of life immortal. Then I recalled, as I thought if this be Christian Death, the old familiar words, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord!" W.Hamilton Spence. THE EASTER HOPE. |