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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by


in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.



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Road from opposite Memphis to Little Rock. An act to authorize the surveying and making
a road from a point opposite to Memphis, in the state of Tennessee, to Little Rock,
in the territory of Arkansas. Jan. 31, 1824....

Compensation of the Officers of Congress and the Librarian. An act to revive and continue in

force an act, entitled "An act fixing the compensations of the Secretary of the Se-

nate, and clerk of the House of Representatives, of the clerks employed in their

offices, and of the librarian." (Expired.) Feb. 20, 1824....

Public Road in Florida. An act to authorize the laying out and opening certain public
roads in the territory of Florida. (Obsolete.) Feb. 28, 1824.....

Survey of public and private Lands in the southern part of Alabama. An act to regulate the sur-
veying of public and private lands in the southern part of Alabama. Feb. 28, 1824.

The Time for the Settlement of private Land Claims in Florida extended. An act to extend the

time limited for the settlement of private land claims in the territory of Florida.

(Expired.) Feb. 28, 1824.......

Repeal of the Act to lessen the Compensation of Marshals, Clerks, and Attorneys. An act to repeal,

in part, an act, entitled “An act to lessen the compensation for marshals, clerks, and

attorneys, in the cases therein mentioned. March 8, 1824.....

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District Court in Alabama. An act for the better organization of the district courts of the
United States within the state of Alabama. March 10, 1824.............

Boundary Line be'ween Edwardsville and Springfield Lund Districts. An act to define the boun-

dary line between the Edwardsville and Springfield land districts, in the state of

Illinois. March 16, 1824.....


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Duties on Imports. An act to amend the several acts imposing duties on imports. (Re-

pealed.) May 22, 1824.......

Land granted for the Seat of Government in Florida. An act providing for a grant of land for
the seat of government in the territory of Florida, and for other purposes. May
24, 1824...



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Sale of Lands conveyed to the United States. An act to provide for the sale of lands conveyed
to the United States, in certain cases, and for other purposes. May 26, 1824................. 51
Claimants to Lands in Missouri and Arkansas. An act enabling the claimants to lands within
the limits of the state of Missouri and territory of Arkansas to institute proceedings to
try the validity of their claims. May 26, 1824..............

Lands in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. An act providing for the disposition of three several

tracts of lands in Tuscarawas county, in the state of Ohio, and for other purposes.

May 26, 1824...

Land Claims in Mississippi. An act supplementary to the several acts providing for ascer
taining and adjusting the titles and claims to lands in the St. Helena and Jackson
Courthouse land districts. May 26, 1824................

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Regulation of the Mode of Practice in the Courts of Louisiana. An act to regulate the mode of

practice in the courts of the United States for the district of Louisiana. May 26, 1824. 62

Land Claims in Louisiana. An act supplementary to "An act providing for the examination
of titles to land in that part of the state of Louisiana situated between the Rio Hondo
and the Sabine river." May 26, 1824.....

Survey of the Southern and Western Boundary of Missouri. An act to

the southern and western boundary of the state of Missouri.


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