JAPAN SETTLEMENT OF CASE PRESENTED BY THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT ON BEHALF OF JAPANESE STEAMSHIP COMPANIES SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES WAR PROFITS TAX FOR THE YEARS 1918 AND 1919-Continued Date and number 1936 Subject Page Sept. 19 From the Japanese Embassy 960 Japanese steamship companies' counterproposal to settle for flat sum of $650,000. Sept. 19 From the Japanese Embassy 961 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 31 Understanding regarding return of certain bonds and monies Acceptance of the Japanese counterproposal of a $650,000 Treasury Department's confirmation of understanding regarding the return of certain bonds and monies to Japanese shipping companies. From the Japanese Embassy Concurrence with stipulations contained in memorandum of October 20, and readiness of steamship companies to make final arrangements. 961 962 963 JAPAN'S PROPOSAL THAT PERPETUAL LEASES IN FORMER FOREIGN SETTLEMENTS IN JAPAN BE CANCELED IN FAVOR OF OWNERSHIP RIGHTS Detailed review of the perpetual lease question in Japan and of the American position; instructions to submit comments thereon. Nov. 11 (230) Compliance with instruction in No. 1018 of April 30 and indication of difference in views regarding suggestions for the solution of the problem of perpetual leasehold. To the Charge in Japan Consideration of points presented in No. 1884 of June 10 and instructions to discuss with the British Embassy possible action to be initiated as soon as possible toward seeking some final solution of the perpetual leasehold problem. To the Chargé in Japan (tel.) Instructions to submit informally to the Foreign Office an outline, based on information in No. 1018 of April 30, of a proposal toward an equitable settlement of the leasehold question, in line with a British proposal submitted to Foreign Office September 29. From the Chargé in Japan (tel.) Delay in submitting proposal authorized in No. 138 of 964 973 976 979 980 JAPAN JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE LEGISLATION VIOLATIVE OF THE 1911 TREATY OF COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN Dath and number 1936 Jan. 9 (6) Jan. 31 (14) Feb. 1 (22) Subject From the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Advice that the Counselor of Embassy has presented informally and orally to Vice Foreign Minister the American Government's representations regarding a proposed Japanese law to control automobile manufacturing, as in contravention of the treaty of 1911. To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Interpretation of use of word "manufactories" in articles From the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Conversation between Counselor of Embassy and Vice Foreign Minister, who stated that the Japanese Government admits no inconsistencies with the Treaty of 1911 in the proposed automobile law. (Footnote: Passage of automobile industry law by the Diet May 23.) Oct. 5 (1115) Issuance of ordinance for enforcement of the law. To the Chargé in Japan Transmittal of Yokohama Consul's report of developments adversely affecting American automobile interests and request for comments thereon and for opinion as to whether any action is called for at present juncture. (Footnote: Information that Department in 1937 took the position that in the absence of new and changed factors, it was not desirable to restate its views.) Page 981 981 982 982 983 REFUSAL OF JAPANESE GOVERNMENT TO AUTHORIZE VISIT BY UNITED STATES NAVY VESSEL TO PORTS ON ISLANDS UNDER MANDATE TO JAPAN 1936 June 13 (75) June 16 (127) To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Views for presentation to the Foreign Minister reminding him of the two Japanese vessels which for several years have been permitted to enter ordinarily closed harbors in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands and suggesting that the Navy Department's Alden be extended similar courtesies at unopened and opened ports of the Japanese Mandated Islands. From the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) 984 985 Opinion that proposal outlined in No. 75 of June 13 would meet with almost certain rebuff by Japan. June 18 (79) To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) 986 Further considerations bearing out the desirability of approaching the Foreign Minister as suggested in No. 75 of June 13. June 20 (130) From the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) 987 Concurrence with No. 79 of June 18 and inquiry regarding urgency in presenting the suggestion to the Foreign Minister. June 25 (83) To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Instructions to proceed along lines indicated in No. 79 of 988 JAPAN REFUSAL OF JAPANESE GOVERNMENT TO AUTHORIZE VISIT BY UNITED STATES NAVY VESSEL TO PORTS ON ISLANDS UNDER MANDATE TO JAPAN-Continued Date and number 1936 Subject Page From the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Appointment with the Foreign Minister on July 8 and suggestion that at this interview the Minister's attention be called to American Consul's difficulty in Japan in obtaining customary commercial information due to restrictive measures by the military. (Footnote: Department's approval of plan mentioned in No. 146 of July 3.) From the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Informal suggestion to the Foreign Minister, who professed to know nothing relative to vessels visiting unopened ports but said he would see what could be done and report before July 20. From the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Advice that without instructions from the Department a further interview will not be sought for an answer to the suggestion of an invitation for the destroyer Alden to visit closed ports in the Japanese Mandated Islands. To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Authorization to mention the matter of an invitation for the Alden only in the event a suitable opportunity arises. From the Ambassador in Japan_(tel.) Conversation between the Counselor of Embassy and the Vice Foreign Minister, who mentioned among other matters that the Overseas Ministry had not replied to the Foreign Minister's inquiry regarding the proposed visit of the Alden to Mandated Islands. To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Assumption that there is no prospect of favorable action by 988 989 989 990 990 990 From the Chargé in Japan (tel.) Aug. 11 (225) 991 For the American Embassy at Tokyo: Instructions to request permission for the U. Š. S. Gold Star to visit certain ports including some in the Japanese Mandate. Sept. 4 (177) 991 Sept. 19 (121) Oct. 13 |(210) Japanese refusal of permission for the Gold Star to visit ports in Japanese Mandate. To the Chargé in Japan (tel.) Instructions to notify the Japanese Government of the Navy Department's change of schedule in the proposed visits of the Gold Star to certain Japanese Mandated Islands, and to state orally that this Government assumes the earlier objection to the proposed visits was because the dates indicated were inconvenient, since the ports have been designated by ordinance as open ports. From the Chargé in Japan (tel.) Foreign Office note which states that for various reasons consent cannot be given for the proposed informal visits of the Gold Star to certain Japanese ports; and advice that the British have been given a similar reply to a similar request. 991 992 JAPAN REFUSAL OF JAPANESE GOVERNMENT TO AUTHORIZE VISIT BY UNITED STATES NAVY VESSEL TO PORTS ON ISLANDS UNDER MANDATE TO JAPAN-Continued Date and number 1936 Nov. 13 (2133) Subject Page From the Chargé in Japan Foreign Office information regarding the flight of a silverpainted plane over one of the Marianas administered by Japan under mandate and request that if the plane were a Pan American clipper the Pan American Airways be warned against repetition of such flight. (Footnote: Answered by Department's instruction No. 1351 of October 12, 1937.) 992 SIAM PROPOSED REVISION OF THE TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP AND COMMERCE BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND SIAM, SIGNED DECEMBER 16, 1920 1936 Apr. 23 From the Siamese Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American 994 Oct. 14 (432) Résumé of negotiations begun in 1933 for the revision of the Treaty of 1920; possible resumption of negotiations in June. From the Chargé in Siam 996 Information of the intention of the Siamese Government to present the draft of a new treaty shortly. Oct. 19 (7150/ 2479) From the Siamese State Councilor for Foreign Affairs to the 997 Intention of his Government to communicate the draft of a new treaty after notice at an early date of their wish to terminate the present one. 998 Nov. 5 Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Conversation with the Siamese Minister, who left a note Nov. 5 From the Siamese Minister 999 Notice of termination of the Treaty of 1920. Nov. 6 (16) From the Chargé in Siam (tel.) 1000 Receipt of draft of proposed treaty and advice that all treaties with other countries have been simultaneously renounced. |