Load-Line Certificates, reciprocal recog- ---- vention with. 1621 Court of Claims----- 1452 Lynn, Anthony J., payment to---------- 1374 1356 1450 MacDonald, Archibald, reimbursement of 1462 decoration----- Mail. See Air and Ocean Mail Contracts. Maness Jewell, disability claim to be examined.... Mansfield, James R., payments to---- 1444 Marshall, May L., payment to---------- Martin, A. Y., payment to------------- Martin, William, refund of excess duties. Mary Black Memorial Hospital, payment to_...... Mason, C. V., payment to- --------- Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Co., payment to- Matthews, Herbert E., disability claim to be examined.... McCallib, David C., claim adjustment--- McCann, John C., naval record corrected P Pratt, Phyllis and Harold Louis, payment Page. Prayers by Chaplain of House, printing 1480 President, joint meeting of two Houses to receive communications from___ 1473 Price and Florence, suit authorized______ 1352 ment to___... 1353 Price, Henry, suit authorized_ 1352 Aliens, quotas of nationality to be ad- mitted__ 1697 Amnesty, persons convicted of certain war-time offenses_ 1725 Arkansas Western Railway Co., labor Page. Palestine, copyright benefits extended to 1714 Palmetto Cotton Company, payment to--- 1359 Modification of claims convention of July 28, 1926----- 1485 Modification of former convention, 1488 Paraguay, prohibition of sale of arms, etc., to......... 1744 Pardons, persons convicted of certain war- time offenses.... 1725 Parr, Mrs. Pleasant Lawrence, disability claim to be examined_ 1390 Peabody Hospital, payment to---------- 1411 1411 Peeps, Edith L., payment to---------- 1424 Peru, silver agreement--------- 1879 Peter, Frederick W., payment to------- 1358 1323 1382 1401 Petterson, Mrs. Gusta, payment to------ 1440 Philadelphia, Pa., donation of land to---- 1339 examined..----- 1327 Phillips, Elizabeth, payment to--------- 1414 payment to---- 1399 Pierre, Peter, reimbursement of--------- 1380 area enlarged... 1701 Playa de Flor Land and Improvement Co., claim adjustment------------ -------------- 1361 Poland: Treaty with, of friendship, commerce, and consular rights------------ 1507 ported merchandise----- 1535 Declaration by which Free City of Danzig becomes contracting party to... 1680 Free City of Danzig----------- 1737 1714 Polski, Claudia L., disability claim to be Davis-Bacon Act, suspending provi- 1383 sions of 1745 Poole, Henry, military record corrected. 1433 1352 Postal Agreements: Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corpo- 1735 Denmark, collect-on-delivery--------- 1671 1594 Director General of Railroads- 1491 as.... ton, D.C., claim settlement 1306 Powell, A. H., credit in accounts - 1368 1449 Company, labor dispute board---- 1732 Appointing Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Designating same as agent of Presi- 1733 Thurston, Kathryn, payment to--------- 1363 | United States Roanoke Colony Commis- 1317 sion, time for report extended. 11473 1318 1385 1366 1467 Valerio, Joseph, payment to-------- 1364 1371 1440 1700 1417 1414 1467 1703 1436 Voiles, Eula K., payment to---------- 1372 1372 ... 1391 Tiburzio, Primo, payment to--------- Tidwell, Chambliss L., disability claim to be considered Tinley, Oliver B., claim settlement------- 1304 counts_-___ Toles, John, claim adjustment of ------- Tonnage Dues, suspension of, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics-------- 1729 to-------- Treasury Department, Public Health Serv- Treaties and Conventions. See also Ex- Canal Zone, transit of alcoholic liquors Claims, Panama----- Friendship, commerce, and consular Walker, Ralph Lavern, payment to Treaty with Poland concerning----- 1507 guardian of......... 1426 Agreement, proof of origin of im- Wallace, James, military record corrected 1312 ported merchandise--------- 1535 Waller, Leroy T., tax refund. 1415 Declaration by which Free City of Danzig becomes contracting Walsh, John E., Jr., refund of excess 1430 Narcotic drugs, multilateral conven- 1543 1680 Walters, James W., credit in accounts of 1442 1347 86637°-34-PT 240 W "W. I. Radcliffe", steamship, names of |