Germany-Continued Surrender by... Transfer of populations.. War criminals. (See War crimes.) Page 505-506 45-46 Zones of occupation (see also Economic integration)... 20, 84-85, 511, 512 Good-neighbor policy, declaration on.. Great Britain. (See United Kingdom.) Greece: Abduction of children.. British troops in.. Dodecanese Islands. Guerillas in. 413-414 779-782 753 53, 74, 82, 460 (See Greece, frontier incidents.) Habana Charter. (See International Trade Organization.) Human rights (see also Genocide): General.... 411-412 Declaration of....... 1156-1159 Violations of 919, 1148-1215 1161-1163, 1167–1169, 1170–1171, 1172, 1173–1175, 1189–1194 501 45, 47-48 59, 500, 1161-1163, 1167-1169, 1170, 1171-1172, 1173-1175, 1176 719, 721 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization. Interim aid. (See European recovery program.) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: 798-799, 802-803, 804 792-797 790-792 800-802, 803 976-988 411, 412, 414, 421, 427 411-453 378-391 251-273 451 165 305-311 1239–1242, 1243 325-327 318-321 321-325 311-318 165 136-137, 140-152, 155-156 630-631, 640-641, 656, 657, 661-663 Disarmament 629-630, 638-639, 642-644, 655, 656-657, 660-661, 695, 698 Far Eastern Commission, establishment of Foreign trade....... General.... 60-62, 69, 652 7, 22, 33-34 632, 646, 658, 1012-1025 1025-1039 679-682, 1358 675, 677-678, 679, 680 63, 70, 670-673, 676 678-679, 918 679 63 677-678, 679, 683-684 League of Nations. 3-5, 697, 718, 729, 733-735, 737-739, 945-946 M 451-453 729, 736, 739-744 Manchuria (see also China)-- 22, 33, 692, 695, 705, 713, 719, 722, 723, 933, 1013 Marshall Mission to China. (See China.) Marshall plan. (See European recovery program.) Membership in United Nations and specialized agencies. (See United Meteorological Organization. (See World Meteorological Organization.) Military assistance.. Mindszenty, trial of. Monroe Doctrine__ 414-421 881-885, 944-945, 1352-1353, 1356–1364 448 Organization of American States (see also Inter-American system) 418-421, 840, 844, 847-850, 853-855 823-825, 841, 843 417-421 Pan-American Union (see also Organization of American States) - Rumania): 59-60, 67, 78, 79-80, 86-92, 93 34-35, 44-45, 52-58, 67-68, 72-76, 79-83, 84-88, 93-96 Conference on.. General... Privileges and immunities of the United Nations. (See United Nations.) Quebec Conference.. Q R 7-8 Refugees. (See Displaced persons; International Refugee Organizations; Regional arrangements. (See United Nations.) 855-856, 1237-1239, 1243–1251, 1252-1284 Reparations (see also Austria, Germany, Italy, Japan; Hungary, peace Rio meeting of American Ministers of Foreign Affairs (1942). Roosevelt, President Franklin D., speech at Ottawa.. Rumania: Armistice with___ Declaration of war with.... 48, 94-95 421-427, 448, 1333, 1341 8-9 487-491 54, 64, 68-69, 929-931, 943, 1163-1165, 1169-1170, 1172-1173, 1173-1175, 1202-1212 494, 1202-1203 Peace treaty with (see also Peace treaties, general). 45, 46 59, 67, 492-493, 1163-1165, 1169-1170, 1172-1173, 1173-1175, Russia. (See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.) Saar. (See Germany.) S Security, collective. (See Defense, collective.) Shipping. (See Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization.) Soviet Union. (See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.) 1047-1057 45, 325-327, 886-894, 1350 Tangier... T 46, 894-902 Technical assistance (see also United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Tehran Conference.. Telecommunications. (See International Telecommunications Union.) Treaties. (See Countries; special subject matter headings.) U Page Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (see also under special subject matter headings): Aggression.. Atomic explosion in.... (See Germany.) Cooperation with United States. - 704, 725, 908-911, 914, 943, 1183-1189 1123 7, 33-34, 89-92, 104-105, 571-573 United Kingdom (see also special subject matter headings): Anglo-American loan... Dollar earning problem.... Financial and commercial agreements. United Nations: Admission to... 946-949, 951 907-908, 941, 944 946-947 908-916 940 919-933, 943 736, 739-744 44 1143-1147 Armed forces for.. Atomic Energy Commission_. Charter... 65-66, 71, 1078-1079, 1136-1137 117-140, 154-155 Commission on Conventional Armaments (See also Armaments, regula- 1138-1139 Commission to Investigate Greek Frontier Incidents (see also Greece, 753-754 Committee of Good Offices for Indonesia. (See Indonesia.) Mediator for Palestine. (See Palestine, mediation effort.) Membership... 162-164, 946 Military Staff Committee. 1143-1147 167-178 Privileges and immunities. 197 768-769 Regional arrangements (see also Inter-American system). Temporary Commission on Korea. (See Korea.) Truce Committee for Palestine. (See Palestine, truce in.) Trusteeship (see also Italy, colonies; Jerusalem; Korea; Man- United States participation in United Nations Conference at San Francisco_. 156-162 28, 123, 197, 1057-1076 |