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our own banking institutions there. I am happy to say that some steps are being made along that line. The National City Bank of New York has recently established a powerful branch in Buenos Aires, and in Rio de Janeiro, and it is about to establish one in Valparaiso, Chile, and in Lima, Peru. It looks as though we were moving along the proper lines to get banking connections, and we need them very badly.

"Gentlemen, I might go on and tell you many more of these things, but I am afraid it would tire you. Dealing in so many figures is a little irksome.

"One of my friends in talking to me the other day, said that he found shoe manufacturers down South were not sending the proper sort of goods to Latin America. He said, 'they advertised the shoes as the best goods made and the same as those sold to the cities along the Gulf Coast of the United States, but I know they were misrepresenting, because I bought a pair of those shoes myself. They were deceiving our Latin brethren.' We have no business to deceive them. We should treat them fairly. And, by the way, that shoe story reminds me of an incident that occurred in my town a number of years ago. A descendant of Abraham had a big shoe store there and sold a pair of magnificentlooking riding boots to a colored man. About three weeks later the colored man came back and said, 'Mr. C., you sold me those boots for $5.00 and you told me they were good riding boots, and here they are, sir, worn out and absolutely worthless.' 'Why, John,' said Mr. C., 'did you walk around in those boots?' 'Why, sure, I walked in them; and I ploughed in them.' 'Why, John, didn't I sell you riding boots? What business did you have to walk in them? Of course they are worn out.' I hope none of the manufacturers of New England have been sending riding boots to South America.

'At any rate, we have not gone after the Latin American trade like we go after business in the United States.

"There is another illustration that struck me rather forcibly. A firm in the United States sold a big gang plow to a large farmer living on the banks of the Amazon. A big gang plow is very difficult to work and hard to handle. Some of your gentlemen may have seen a gang plow at work. I tried to run one on my farm, and the manufacturer sent a man to work it. But in this case to which I refer, the manufacturer shipped the gang plow, and that was all, and the result was that the complicated and difficult piece of machinery lay in the field and rusted, for no one understood how to operate it. By contrast, it is said that the Baldwin Locomotive Works- I think their headquarters are in Philadelphia - shipped a fine locomotive to Brazil and sent with it one of their best engineers, who stayed with this locomotive until he made it work thoroughly and trained one of the natives to operate it, the result being that from that time the Baldwin Locomotive Works was practically the only firm which sold locomotives in that section of Brazil. The good treatment in one instance got the business. It is safe to say that in the other case no more gang plows or anything else from the

United States was sold by that firm in that section of the country. "Gentlemen, in conclusion, I want to ask of you to give very serious consideration to the suggestions I have made here this evening. They are something that will result in great good to Boston, to New England, and to the United States. I believe they are practical. I hope you are going to help them to become practical.

"Let us invoke the spirit of Lincoln to aid in founding a Greater Union, that will embrace every foot of American soil from the North Pole to the Straits of Magellan. In essaying this mighty task, it would be wise for citizens of the United States not to speak hereafter of the Monroe Doctrine, but to substitute in lieu thereof the American doctrine of "America for the Americans," and to have it enforced by a strong alliance of every country on this Hemisphere. The cardinal principle of this union should be that the independence of every member state must be guaranteed and its territorial sovereignty preserved from conquest or involuntary acquisition by any country foreign or American. An American arbitration tribunal should be established to settle all international disputes and promote peace between the contending factions of states, and in every way personal acquaintance, good fellowship, and business intercourse between all the Americas should be encouraged. In such a union the United States would occupy a prominent place, but no more so than it would be justly entitled to by virtue of its large population and resources, and every other country would receive proportionate representation and consideration.

"Such a union, properly conducted, would be of the greatest good to all its members. It would make Americans truly brothers, friends and business associates. It is well said that in 'union there is strength,' but no such national union as this of the entire population of the Western Hemisphere ever existed on earth, and if we could perfect it and live up to its high principles, it would do more to promote peace on earth than any other institution ever devised by man. Perhaps this is a dream, but methinks I see its fruition in the dawning future, and I beg of you gentlemen of the City Club of Boston to lend your most powerful help toward making it come true."

Thursday Evening, March 4

The members were entertained at a "Kommers" by the Scottish Musical Comedy Company consisting of:

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Thursday, March 11


United States Senator John W. Weeks was the guest and principal speaker at the luncheon and also at the dedication in the evening. Owing to his wish to personally revise his address, it is impossible to print them in this issue of the BULLETIN. Both speeches will be printed in full in the next issue.


President Frederick P. Fish, Presiding

President Fish. "Gentlemen, these luncheons at the City Club are very pleasant affairs. They come at the middle of the day when we must lunch, and nothing could be more satisfactory than to keep together in this way, but we are all busy men, and we do not want to regard these luncheons as of sufficient importance to carry them into the middle of the afternoon, and, when you have finished your coffee, we will start in with the treats that we have.

"As I am perfectly sure that you do not want to hear from me, I am going to first call on a friend of the Club, a man who has done excellent work for the city of Boston, and who has honored the Club and himself by making the first address that was made in the new City Club, for, at the luncheon the other day, the first day the Club was opened, although there were no formal exercises at that time, His Honor was called on and dedicated the Club.

"I am going to ask him to speak to you to-day in behalf of the city of Boston, as a friend of the Club, and as one whom we are always glad to hear, His Honor, Mayor Curley." (Applause.)


"Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen. I am most pleased with this reception. I know you desire the opportunity of listening to the former Secretary of the Navy and former Governor of Massachusetts, Honorable John D. Long, and I know you will appreciate the privilege and opportunity of listening to that distinguished and brilliant man, Brother Bangs. I should appreciate the opportunity of hearing from the one man in Congress who, perhaps more than any other man, typified the crystallized sentiment of Massachusetts in opposition to the pursuance of a policy which might have jeopardized the peace of the American people, Senator John W. Weeks. (Applause.)

'Gentlemen, I desire to take this occasion to say that it is a great privilege and pleasure to be here. Mr. Winship said to me, when he took his place at the table: 'What do you think of the City Club?' I did not have an opportunity to say to Mr. Winship what I thought. It is a very great pleasure to say to you, and through you to him, that there is no








such thing as the City Club. It is "The City Institution.' It is an institution that is peculiar in that it typifies American progress. It typifies the character of progress that the fathers and founders of this Republic dreamed of and hoped one day would exist, the kind of progress under which it was possible to assemble under one roof all races and all creeds, bent on one purpose alone, making this old land of ours a better land because of their having lived."

President Fish. "It was many years ago that we were first instructed as to the 'old life, old wine, old books, and old friends,' and when we have with us an old friend, upon whom we have looked with esteem and affection, some of us for a couple of generations, we certainly want to express to him our friendship.

"I know that not only the gentlemen in this room, but all the people of Massachusetts, look upon the Hon. John D. Long, ex-Governor, exCongressman, and ex-Secretary of the Navy, as a friend, and he is a friend of the City Club. I shall be very glad indeed if he will give us a chance to show our friendship for him." (Loud applause.)


"I do not know whether I am obliged to your President for putting me so many generations back that the memory of no man runneth to the contrary. My relations to the Commonwealth have, of course, been most delightful, and I very much appreciate the reference which the President has made to me.

"Your Mayor is not apt to shift responsibility, but I am inclined to think that he began to do it when he began to put on Mr. Bangs and myself the duty of opening the remarks at this meeting, so far as the welcome to Senator Weeks is concerned. He evidently had in mind the suggestion, 'Let George do it,' and yet before he got through, he did it himself in most eloquent and forceful manner and in words with which we all sympathize.

"He speaks for the city of Boston, which has honored him in making him its chief magistrate. I cannot speak for the city of Boston, not being a resident. I cannot speak for the City Club, not being a member, but I can speak with reference to the great, good work it is doing. I speak rather for the outlying districts, for the 'hayseeds,' for the people who live in the rural districts of Massachusetts, and I might go beyond that, and say that I speak for all New England, nay, for the whole of the country, when I extend to Senator Weeks the welcome and tribute which his service has earned. I do not think it is too much to say that no Senator, in recent years, has so rapidly risen to the high position of influence and good work which he has reached.

"I am too old a soldier in these matters to occupy your time and delay you from listening to him. I know I express your sentiment and the sentiment of people everywhere when I pay him this tribute, and if it shall occur, as has been stated, that the attention of the country shall

be directed to him as a presidential candidate for Massachusetts (applause)—and I speak with no discrimination against anybody else, my friend, Sam Elder or Mr. Bangs-no man whom we have among us, although I can think of men who have been in public life from Massachusetts who might have filled that place (applause), but never had a chance; no man to-day could fill it better, nor has Massachusetts a better choice, than Senator John W. Weeks." (Loud and continued applause.)

President Fish. "Gentlemen, I am going to ask another of our guests to say a word to us. We should be very glad to have him say many, but, contrary to the proprieties of the situation, I have not notified him that he was expected to say anything, but, of course, leave it to his own good judgment what he shall say, and how long it shall be. But I am going to introduce him to you, and you to him, because you should meet face to face as friends. He is your friend and he is a friend of the City Club, and you should know each other, and I should like to present to you Mr. John Kendrick Bangs." (Applause.)


"Mr. President and Gentlemen. Your President is aware that I can speak for an hour and three-quarters without saying anything, but it is rather embarrassing for me to come here this afternoon and be called upon to make any kind of a speech, because all Mr. Winship told me I was to do this afternoon was to eat. I feel particularly embarrassed after having, for the first time in my life, been mentioned as a candidate for the presidency, to be called upon to speak offhand. I do not want to so commend myself to this gathering that I shall land any such disagreeable job as President of the United States, which results in our losing our very best friends.

"I unite in paying tribute to Senator Weeks. I am probably the only man at this board who read his speech on the tariff from beginning to end. (Laughter.)

"I agree with the Honorable ex-Governor Long that it was great work, great and continuous, but I noticed that after he had been speaking for about seven days, and after I had been reading the Congressional Record for about three months, he finished. I could not help but reflect on the differences between the old statesmen of the past and those of the present day. When I was a small boy I learned how to address great gatherings. My father used to stand me on his library table and make me recite great speeches from Shakespeare, and I could recite them in four or five minutes. (Laughter.) I could make the famous speech of Brutus in two and one-half minutes. I could say all that Henry V. said at the Battle of Agincourt in two and one-half minutes, and I often think how good it would be if we could set our children upon the library table and make them recite the speeches of the great statesmen of the present day. Unfortunately, my sons have got to the point where they can thrash their father, but I think it would be good discipline for the children of the present time if they could do it. (Laughter.) It would teach them

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