OF THE DECISIONS OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT AND BOARD OF U. S. GENERAL APPRAISERS ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TARIFF, NAVIGATION, AND OTHER LAWS, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1891. VOL. I.—January to June, inclusive. WILLIAM WINDOM and CHARLES FOSTER, Secretaries of the Treasury. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1892. August 2, 1882, immigration......... 10628 February 21, 1891, constituting Nashville, Tenn., a port of delivery............ 10804 June 10, 1890, additional duties under section 7........... June 10, 1890, refunds under, certified statements to be forwarded to De- partment....... June 10, 1890, section 23 does not disturb rights accruiug under section 2927, Revised Statutes.. March 3, 1891, copyrights............ March 3, 1883, repealed by act October 1, 1890............ 10987 11276 11156 October 1, 1890, application to merchandise which arrived Sunday, October 5, 1890.. October 1, 1890, constitutionality of............. October 1, goods in warehouse prior to October 1............ October 1, goods in warehouse prior to October 6... October 1, goods unentered October 6......... 11311 11267 11098 11327 10733 10676 10678 11039 11296 10939 October 1, 1890, goods liable to duty under, if in warehouse, duties unpaid February 1, 1890. October 1, 1890, immediate-transportation goods under.......... 10593 11200 10841 10641 10946 Under section 2970, Revised Statutes, not applicable to goods imported after August 1, 1890............ On cherry juice and cigars..... Additions- Pro forma invoice value of bottles and straw covers.. To entry of goods actually purchased.. To value, pro rata, on coverings........ (III) 11310 11276 10598 11139 10721 Synopsis No. Animals for breeding purposes....10688, 10709, 10718, 10840, 10870, 10893, 10940, 10982, Trotting-horse register not accepted as evidence of pure breed of horse...,... 10840 Persian rug imported separately and alone entitled to free entry as, because forming part of a collection purchased abroad......... 11265 Apparatus, books, etc., free entry for collegiate institute for boys.... 11097 10817 Application of second proviso of section 50 of act of October 1, 1890. 11120 |