Britain take advantage of any intimacy, or use any alliance, connection, or influence that either may possess with any State or Government through whose territory the said canal may pass, for the purpose of acquiring or holding, directly or indirectly,... Nicaragua Canal: Report to Accompany S. 4792 - Page 18by United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on the Construction of the Nicaragua Canal - 1898 - 172 pagesFull view - About this book
 | United States - 1912 - 1338 pages
...' ' any exclusive control over " any isthmian canal or railroad which might ever be built, and from "any rights or advantages in regard to commerce or...canal which shall not be offered on the same terms' to Great Britain. The two nations were to determine what "charges or conditions of traffic" were "just... | |
 | Leander Trowbridge Chamberlain - Colombia - 1912 - 768 pages
...any exclusive control over" any isthmian canal or railroad which might ever be built, and from ' ' any rights or advantages in regard to commerce or...which shall not be offered on the same terms " to Great Britain. The two nations were to determine what "charges or conditions of traffic" were "just... | |
 | Inland water transportation - 1912 - 350 pages
...from "any exclusive control over" any isthmian canal or railroad which might e\«r be built, and from "any rights or advantages in regard to commerce or...navigation through the said canal which shall not be ottered on the same terms" to Great Britain. L'ndcr the existing ireaty the United States enjoys "the... | |
 | Arbitration (International law) - 1912 - 922 pages
...any government through whose territory the Canal should pass, for the purpose of acquiring or holding any rights or advantages in regard to commerce or navigation through the Canal which shall not be offered on the same terms to the citizens or subjects of the other. The treaty... | |
 | Elihu Root - Canals - 1913 - 38 pages
...the purpose of acquiring or holding, directly or indirectly, for the citizens or subjects of the one, any rights or advantages in regard to commerce or...same terms to the citizens or subjects of the other." You will observe, Mr. President, that under these provisions the United States gave up nothing that... | |
 | Hay-Pauncefote Treaty - 1913 - 144 pages
...parties from — Acquiring or holding, directly or indirectly, for the citizens or subjects of the one any rights or advantages In regard to commerce or...which shall not be offered on the same terms to the subjects of the other. The fact that no such language was employed or sought to be employed by Great... | |
 | Frank Feuille - Great Britain - 1913 - 18 pages
...parties from — Acquiring or holding, directly or indirectly, for the citizens or subjects of the one any rights or advantages in regard to commerce or...which shall not be offered on the same terms to the subjects of the other. The fact that so such language was employed or sought to be employed by Great... | |
 | United States - 1913 - 638 pages
...— Acquiring or holding, directly or indirectly, for the citizens or subjects of the one any_ nghta or advantages in regard to commerce or navigation...which shall not be offered on the same terms to the subjects of the other. The fact that so such language was employed or sought to be employed by Great... | |
 | Canada. Parliament. Senate - Canada - 1913 - 1144 pages
...the citizens or subjects of the one, any rights or advantages as regards commerce or navigation to the said canal, which shall not be offered on the...same terms to the citizens or subjects of the other. Mr. Secretary Fish, during th-j administration of President Grant, wrote : We shall. ... be glad of... | |
 | Elihu Root - Canals - 1913 - 40 pages
...the purpose of acquiring or holding, directly or indirectly, for the citizens or subjects of the one, any rights or advantages in regard to commerce or navigation through the said canal which shall not he offered on the same terms to the citizens or subjects of the other." You will observe, Mr. President,... | |
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