| 1985 - 814 pages
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| Michael Kraus, Davis D. Joyce - History - 1990 - 466 pages
...many settlers. In the same year, 1642, he noted the first commencement in an English American college: "Nine bachelors commenced at Cambridge; they were young men of good hope." Three years later Winthrop wrote that "by agreement of the commissioners [of the New England Confederation]... | |
| Herbert F. Vetter - History - 2007 - 112 pages
...Commencement was holden at Cambridge in 1642, at which time nine Students took the degree of Bachelor of Arts. "They were young men of good hope, and performed their...acts so as gave good proof of their proficiency in tongues and arts." Most of the members of the General Court were now present; "and dined at the college... | |
| 1873 - 522 pages
...spirit of loyal fidelity, that he takes note of the first Commencement at Harvard, October 9, 1642 : " Nine bachelors commenced at Cambridge ; they were...proof of their proficiency in the tongues and arts." But of these nine " bachelors," the first fruits of the College, seven, as we shall see, left the country... | |
| Nicholas Murray Butler, Frank Pierrepont Graves, William McAndrew - Education - 1895 - 554 pages
...Scientia est utilissitna, Hcebrcea est Linguarum Ittater, and Lingua Latino, est eloquentissiina. " Nine bachelors commenced at Cambridge ; they were...of good hope, and performed their acts, so as gave proof of their proficiency "Ibid., I, 369-372. u History of Harvard University, p. 9. ls New England's... | |
| Massachusetts Historical Society - Massachusetts - 1846 - 598 pages
...and ninety-one Students in this ancient and very respectable seminary ; and, for several preceding hope, and performed their acts so as gave good proof of their proficiency in the tongues and arts." * Most of the members of the General Court were now present, " and dined at the college with the scholars... | |
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