| Thomas Matthew Ray - Crime - 1846 - 272 pages
...rateable under an act passed in the first and second years of the reign of her Majesty, entitled, ' An act for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland,' or under any act or acts altering or amending the same." And by section 1 0 — " The lord lieutenant... | |
 | Ireland - 1846 - 756 pages
...Kinvarra, — Killalla 23, Mr. Feeny, Ballina, — and Galway 12, Dr. Browne, Galway. POOR LAWa The " Act for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland," received the royal assent on July 1, 1838 ; the office operations commenced in Sept., 1838 ; the erection... | |
 | Great Britain - 1847 - 858 pages
...Seventh Year Extension of ' of the Keign of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act for 6&7Vict.c.98. ' the further Amendment of an Act for the more effectual Relief ' of the destitute Poor in Ireland, Provision is made for assisting ' any poor Person who is and has been for Three Months an ' Inmate... | |
 | Great Britain - Session laws - 1847 - 864 pages
...Seventh Year Extension ot of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act for 6*7 Viet c.9S. the further Amendment of an Act for the more effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland, Provision is made for assisting any poor Person who is and has been for Three Months an Inmate of the... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - Great Britain - 1847 - 800 pages
...such 1st day of January, as the case may be. That all the provisions of the Act Oth and 7th Victoria, c. 92, intituled ' An Act for the further Amendment of an Act for the more effectual R*licf of the destitute Poor in Ireland,' for the charge and recovery of rates upon property rated... | |
 | Great Britain - 1848 - 1222 pages
...Act of the Sixth and ' Seventh Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled c&7Vict.c. 92. « Offender shall immediately upon Conviction pay down...Sura of Money as shall be adjudged by the said Jus it is amongst ' other tilings enacted, that any Rate or Rates made as therein « mentioned on any Lessor... | |
 | Great Britain - Law - 1848 - 1030 pages
...Seventh Years of the | Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act for the further 6&7Vict. c.92. Amendment of an. Act for the more effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland, it is amongst other things enacted, that «ny Rate or Rates made as therein mentioned on any Lessor... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - Great Britain - 1848 - 596 pages
...hold any land in 30 Ireland, valued under the valuation in force for the time being under the Acts for the more effectual Relief of the Destitute Poor in Ireland, as of a net annual value exceeding Ten Pounds, either under any lease or agreement not containing any... | |
 | Great Britain - Law - 1849 - 784 pages
...Lessors thereof under the Provisions of an Act passed in the Seventh Year of the Reign of Her Majesty, intituled An Act for the further Amendment of an Act...effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland, as amended by this Act. XI. ' And whereas by the said recited Act it is provided, that ' where the Person... | |
 | Ireland. Court of King's Bench - Law reports, digests, etc - 1849 - 678 pages
...of the " provisions of a certain other Act of Parliament (made and passed " 7 Vic-, &c.f) entitled ' An Act for the further amendment of an Act " for the...effectual relief of the Destitute Poor in Ireland,' and by " and with the consent of the Poor-law Commissioners, complain of " the said Dominick Browne,... | |
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