| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - Great Britain - 1875 - 614 pages
...eighth, ninth, and tenth reasons— Henry Brougham, Lord Brougham and Vaux. DCCXXlX. MAY 21, 1838. An Act for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland (i aud 2 Victoria, cap. 56), was read a second time on the 2ist of May. The Act contains 125 clauses.... | |
 | Great Britain - Law - 1876 - 1408 pages
...Recovery of rates from lessors by action or civil bill, or by proceedings before justices. CHAPTER XCII. AN ACT for the further Amendment of an Act for the...effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland. [24th August 1843.] "ĪTTHEREAS it is expedient that certain amendments should be made in * the provisions... | |
 | Henry Hunt - 1885 - 166 pages
...Time being under an Act of the First and Second Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act for the more effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland, or any Act or Acts amending the same, as Occupier of such respective Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments... | |
 | Meteorology - 1842 - 422 pages
...of the Laws relating to the Poor in England and Wales, passed 14th August, 1834. 12mo. London 1834. An Act for the more effectual relief of the Destitute Poor in Ireland, with notes, &c., passed 31st July, 1838. 12mo. London 1839. PORTAL (Placido.) Storia di due casi d'... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - Great Britain - 1890 - 698 pages
...the words " the same." In part ; namely, — Preamble - Section one, to " same that." Section three. An Act for the more effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland. In part ; namely, — Preamble - - - Section three, to " this Act." Section sixteen, the words "the... | |
 | Edward William Cox - Criminal law - 1890 - 920 pages
...Session of the first and second years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter fiftysix, intituled " An Act for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland," and the Acts amending the same, and shall include any body or persons appointed by the Local Government... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - Great Britain - 1847 - 772 pages
...such 1st day of January, as the case may be. That all the provisions of the Act 6th and 7th Victoria, c. 92, intituled ' An Act for the further Amendment...effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland,' for the charge and recovery of rates upon property rated to a net annual value not exceeding il., shall... | |
 | Great Britain - Maritime law - 1895 - 800 pages
...Session of the first and second years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter fifty-six, intituled "An Act for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland," and the Acts amending the same, and shall include any body of persons appointed by the Local Government... | |
 | Courtenay Ilbert - Bill drafting - 1901 - 420 pages
...session of the first and second years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter fifty-six, intituled ' An Act for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland/ and the Acts amending the same, and shall include any body of persons appointed by the Local Government... | |
 | Henry Thring Baron Thring - Bill drafting - 1902 - 156 pages
...Session of the first and second years of the reign of her present Majesty, chapter fifty-six, intituled " An Act for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland," and the Acts amending the same, and shall include any body of persons appointed by the Local Government... | |
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