| John Fischer Williams, H. Lauterpacht - Law - 1932 - 568 pages
...Australian Naturalisation Act, by section 8 of which a naturalised person " shall in the Commonwealth be " entitled to all political and other rights, powers...natural-born British subject is entitled or subject " in the Commonwealth." It was under this Act that the plaintiff was naturalised and had taken the oath of allegiance.... | |
 | Arnold D. McNair, H. Lauterpacht - Law - 1932 - 644 pages
...deemed, taken and assumed to be entitled to " all political and other rights and powers and privi" leges and be subject to all obligations to which a " natural-born British subject is entitled or subject in " this colony." In January, 1920, Hanau was resident in Great Britain. The Union had not adopted the... | |
 | United States. Department of State - United States - 1870 - 550 pages
...deemed to be any admission that the person to whom it was granted was not previously a British subject. An alien to whom a certificate of naturalisation is...in the United Kingdom, be entitled to all political und other rights, powers, and privileges, and be subject to all obligations to which a natural-born... | |
 | Great Britain - Delegated legislation - 1901 - 1218 pages
...allegiance. VII. An alien to whom letters of naturalisation have Ijeen granted shall in Southern Rhodesia be entitled to all political and other rights, powers,...natural-born British subject is entitled or subject in Southern Rhodesia. VIII. — (1.) A married woman shall in Southern Rhodesia be deemed to be a subject... | |
 | Great Britain - Delegated legislation - 1944 - 1198 pages
...required by the regulations made in that behalf he [she] shall, subject to the provisions of the said Act, be entitled to all political and other rights powers...and privileges, and be subject to all obligations duties and liabilities, to which a natural-born British subject is entitled or subject, and have to... | |
 | Great Britain - Delegated legislation - 1919 - 720 pages
...required by he Regulations made in that behalf she shall, subject to the provisions of the said Acts, be entitled to all political and other rights, powers and privileges, and be subject to (a) 4-5 G. 5. c. 17. (b) Printed St. R. & O., 1914, 1., p. 238. all obligations, duties and liabilities,... | |
 | Canada - Law - 1914 - 1044 pages
...n»turaii«a- granted by the Secretary of State of Canada shall, subject t'on. to the provisions of this Act, be entitled to all political and other rights, powers...and privileges, and be subject to all obligations, duties and liabilities, to which a naturalborn British subject is entitled or subject, and as from... | |
 | Canada - Law - 1904 - 652 pages
...subject, and is, within Canada, entitled to all political and other rights, powers and privileges, and is subject to all obligations to which a natural-born British subject is entitled or subject within Canada, with this qualification that he shall not, when within the limits of the foreign State... | |
 | Canada - Law - 1919 - 1128 pages
...State of Canada shall, Stafn5f subject to the provisions of this Act, be entitled to all tionpolitical and other rights, powers and privileges, and be subject to all obligations, duties and liabilities, to which a natural-born British subject is entitled or subject, and as from... | |
 | Law - 1918 - 900 pages
...naturalization the applicant bocame " entitled to all political and other rights, powers and privileges, and subject to all obligations to which a natural-born British subject is entitled or subject to in the Commonwealth." Before the certificate was issued to the applicant he was required to. ind... | |
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