| Rieko Karatani - History - 2003 - 260 pages
...enjoyed. Section 7 of the 1870 act confirmed that naturalized subjects were entitled in the United Kingdom to 'all political and other rights, powers, and privileges,...natural-born British subject is entitled or subject' except in the country o which they were subject before naturalization. Yet, the disqualifying lause... | |
 | Brian Galligan, Winsome Roberts - Political Science - 2004 - 289 pages
...person so naturalised became entitled 'to all political and other rights powers and privileges' and was subject 'to all obligations to which a natural-born British subject is entitled or subject in the Commonwealth'. The Naturalization Act, however, was toughened by Senate amendment to make it an explicit... | |
 | Helga Kaye, Keith W. Kaye - Biography & Autobiography - 2007 - 93 pages
...the saUWJlwUMQ . , S.CHIrtSSIjSGBR i shall, subject to tne provisions of the said Act, be henceforth entitled to all political and other rights, powers,....a.nd privileges and be subject to all obligations, duties, and liabilities to which a natural-born British subject is entitled or sul)ject;-and have to... | |
 | Political science - 1881 - 862 pages
...were formerly not eligible, but became so by the provisions of 33 Viet. cap. 14, which enacted that 'an alien to whom a certificate of naturalisation...privileges, and be subject to all obligations to which a natural British born subject is entitled or subject to in the United Kingdom.' But all priests and... | |
 | Political science - 1882 - 854 pages
...were formerly not eligible, but became so by the provisions of 33 Viet. cap. 14, which enacted that 'an alien to whom a certificate of naturalisation...rights, powers, and privileges, and be subject to ull obligations to which a natural British born subject ia entitled or subject to in the United Kingdom.'... | |
 | Australia. High Court - Law reports, digests, etc - 1926 - 664 pages
...He then receives a certificate of naturalization. Then, says sec. 8, he " shall in the Commonwealth be entitled to all political and other rights powers...natural-born British subject is entitled or subject in the Commonwealth " — certain reservations are mentioned which are immaterial. That process transmuted... | |
 | Delegated legislation - 1917 - 1054 pages
...he is hereby fully naturalised as a British subject, and that upon taking the Oath of Allegiance he shall in the United Kingdom be entitled to all political...privileges, and be subject to all obligations to which a natural born British subject is entitled or subject in the United Kingdom ; with this qualification... | |
 | Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Great Britain - 1902 - 1416 pages
...naturalization ; and an alien to whom a certificate of naturalization is granted should from that moment be entitled to all political and other rights, powers,...subject to all obligations to which a natural-born burgher is entitled or subject. The second objection to the scheme as a whole is that it is nonretrospective... | |
 | Nineteenth century - 1915 - 766 pages
...naturalization was described in the English Act of 1870 : An alien to whom a certificate of naturalization is granted shall in the United Kingdom be entitled...political and other rights, powers, and privileges, and is subject to all obligations, to which a natural-born British subject is entitled or subject in the... | |
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