| Political science - 1881 - 972 pages
...were formerly not eligible, but became so by the provisions of 33 Viet. cap. 14, which enacted that 'an alien to whom a certificate of naturalisation...privileges, and be subject to all obligations to which a natural British born subject is entitled or subject to in the United Kingdom.' But all priests and... | |
| Charles Duke Yonge - Constitutional history - 1882 - 604 pages
...repealed even this exception. By the 33rd Victoria, c. 14 (Law Repons, p. 169), it is enacted that "an alien, to whom a certificate of naturalisation...privileges, and be subject to all obligations to which a natural born British subject is entitled as subject in the United Kingdom," &c. ; and at the general... | |
| Political science - 1883 - 860 pages
...were formerly not eligible, but became so by the provisions of 33 Viet. cap. 14, which enacted that 'an alien to whom a certificate of naturalisation...privileges, and be subject to all obligations to which a natural British born subject is entitled or subject to in the United Kingdom.' But all priests and... | |
| Popular encyclopedia - 1883 - 574 pages
...naturalization, and on giving evidence of particulars may obtain it. An alien having obtained such a certificate, shall, in the United Kingdom, be entitled to all political...natural-born British subject is entitled or subject in the kingdom. When within the limits of the foreign state of which he was a subject prior to the certificate,... | |
| Henry John Stephen, James Stephen - Law - 1883 - 834 pages
...that an alicn to whom a certificate of naturalization is granted, "shall, in the united kingdom, bo entitled to all political and other rights, powers,...which a naturalborn British subject is entitled." (i) See Whitelock of Parl. c. 102; Lords' Journ. 3 May, 1620; 13 May, 1624; 26May, 1725: Com. Journ.... | |
| Alfred Howell - Canada - 1884 - 150 pages
...effect. 17. An alien to whom a certificate of Rights of naturalization is granted shall, within Canada, be entitled to all political and other rights, powers...privileges, and be subject to all obligations, to which a natural born British subject is entitled or subject * within Canada, with this qualification (m), that... | |
| 1884 - 256 pages
...of the Act of 33 Viet. c. 14., which enacts that " an alien to whom a Certificate of Naturalization is granted " shall, in the United Kingdom, be entitled to all political und other " rights, powers, and privileges to which a natural-born British subject " is entitled."... | |
| Great Britain. Foreign Office - Commercial treaties - 1885 - 1190 pages
...the like effect. 17. An alien to whom a certificate of naturalization is granted shall within Canada be entitled to all political and other rights, powers,...obligations, to which a natural-born British subject in entitled or subject within Canada ; with this qualification, that he shall not, when within the... | |
| Great Britain - 1885 - 640 pages
...a member of either House of Parliament. By s. 7 of the Naturalisation Act, 1870 (33 Vict. c. 14), " an alien to whom a certificate of naturalisation is...granted shall in the United Kingdom be entitled to all politieal and other rights, powers, and privileges to whieh a natural born British subject is entitled."... | |
| John Mounteney Lely, William Decimus Inglett Foulkes - Election law - 1885 - 678 pages
...a member of either House of Parliament. By s. 7 of the Naturalisation Act, 1870 (33 Viet. c. 14), " an alien to whom a certificate of naturalisation is granted shall in the United Kingdom bo entitled to all political and other rights, powers, and privileges to which a natural born British... | |
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